||Chapter 2||

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I was humming as I balanced myself on a fence, my arms spread sidewards to help maintain it.

My nose scrunched as I heard someone listening to that noise. That's right, noise. Not music, not melody, but noise. Those sounds thrown together by a seemingly deaf person that's getting popular lately. Being called noise by the Goddess of Music itself is the highest form of insult there is to music out there.

The sound was faint, as though the person was listening to it was using earphones.

Following my ear, I found the little law-breaker (in my book, atleast) comitting the worst crime there is; listening to bad music.

I decided to play harmless little prank on the mohawk-haired teen bobbing his head to the beat of the... noise.

Slowly, I increased the volume of the music till he had to pull off the earphone, then quickly muted it before he placed it back on. Confused, he began pressing away at his iPod harshly, and I set the volume to it's highest, laughing un-ladylike-ly (made up word) as he tripped over a curb and scampered away from the car with it's driver honking angrily.

Ahhh... fun times.

I flew away to the forest, quickly locating my special place; an absolutely stunning waterfall surrounded by a flower field that remained -- and, I hope, will remain -- undiscovered by mortals.

I rested against the tall Pine tree standing proudly nearby. My hands behind my head, I began to hum and drift off to Sandman's world. My hands were subconsciously pulling on the sparkling green grass under my fingers...

...and suddenly, the ground was not there.

A hole -- or more specifically, a tunnel -- appeared under me. Not big enough for my whole body, but just big enough to fit my torso and lower limbs, so I hit my head on the ground, faintly noting that I was sliding through the tunnel before I finally fell unconcious.


'So bright.'

I shifted on my rather hard sleeping space, covering my eyes to no avail.

"Somebody turn off the damn sun." I whispered.

And someone chuckled.

My bleary sapphire eyes blinked open, and went into focus like hi-tech camera lens.

And I was met with the sight of the Guardians.

I groaned.

"Why so unhappy to see us, mate?" Asked bunny.

I gave them all a blank look, sitting up. "Well, the last time I was here wasn't excactly my best experience." I said, shuddering as I remembered North punishing me for a prank.

It wasn't that bad.

I just... kinda... woke up a whole state... at 3 a.m. in the morning... with noise.

See? Not that bad.

"Oh, and I especially loved the way you brought me here. The fainting part tied the whole thing together." I added as an afterthought, standing up and brushing off dust from my dress.

I never told you how I looked like, did I?

Well, I have waist lenght hair that can't seem to decide between red or black. These days, the style of my hair is referred to as 'beach waves'.(although I have no idea why. Beach waves, seriously? I'm pretty sure there's no beach in my hair.) The day I woke up, I was wearing a white strapless dress that reaches up to my knees in front and my ankles at the back.

Nowdays, I just wear a 3/4's white shirt with red sleeves and some baggy pants similar to Jack's, just darker. Oh, and some blue sneakers.

I noticed Jack stiffling a snicker as Tooth approached me.

Oh no. No no no. Not again.

Before I could scamper away, I found myself with Tooth's fingers inside my mouth, and the fairy herself chattering away about how I should eat less sweets.


"Tooth, get your fingers off her mouth, please." North said patiently.

Tooth did as told, and I met North's eye, trying to give a message through the eyes like the people in some books I read do.

That must've taken them practice, beacause North just looked weirded out.

Alright, don't get me wrong, I love the fairy, I'm just not fond of having fingers in my mouth.


That sounded disturbing.

"Do you know why you're here, Euphony?" North asked.

I sent him a disbelieving look. "Oh, wait. Sorry, was I supposed to know? My, I really hate it when the mail gets mixed up. Immortal Express is really unreliable. I should've gotten my notice so that I could've been prepared for being kidnapped." I said with sarcasm dripping off my every word.

"Alright, we get it. No need to be so cranky about it." Bunny said.

"We'll say this directly; You've been chosen to be a guardian." Jack said.

Alright, I can't describe how I'm feeling so let's put it in metaphors.

If I was drinking water, I'd have had to a spit take.

If I was sitting on a chair, I'd have fallen off.

If I was... okay, so I'm not creative enough to think of more metaphors. Sue me.

"Guardian? ME?" I asked, stuped. "You sure about that? And guardian of what? If this is a prank, I swear..."

Don't get me wrong. I'm psyched. I just... I dunno. How many centuries and yet Man in moon chooses now to...

I'm officially having the weirdest day. I played a prank, I got kidnapped, I saw the guardians, and now, I'm being asked to be one of them.

I never thought I'd be saying this in my entire hundred-something years of living, but, I'm glad I was kidnapped


Another "edit" of The Muse

If you don't follow SapphirePen you won't know why I adopted this book so go follow her PLEASE

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