Chapter Twenty ~

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"What do you mean, would we be in time?! Of course we will! We have to!" Lucy shouted, drawing the attention away from Gray.

"I don't know, Luce..." Natsu replied, pointing at the wizards on the floor.

Lucy couldn't believe that, out of all people, Natsu spoke these words. "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU GUYS!" She then yelled, turning around and running outside. Tears ran down her cheeks, staining her vision and allowing her to run into someone.

"S-Sorry..." She snickered, getting up and continuing her run. First seeing her friends stumbling in a horrible condition, then seeing that her other friends didn't think they'd live, and then she stumbled into people. It took a heavy toll on her.


A familiar voice filled Lucy's ears, making her stop in her tracks.

She slowly turned around, spotting the familiar face. "L-Lyon!"

Lyon smiled at her, seeing as a few of his guild members scattered apart – to help Lucy out a little.

"You have no idea how oddly convenient meeting you here is! I- No, Fairy Tail needs your help!"

Lyon tilted his head slightly, a little surprised about this. "Hm? Really? What happened?"

"I-I don't know what happened but Jellal and Erza are badly wounded a-and... WENDY USED ALL HER MAGIC AND NO ONE CAN SAVE THEM BUT SHERIA!"

Lyon looked a little bit shocked. For once, Fairy Tail was depending on him, huh? "We're close, anyways. Let's go, then!"

Lucy's eyes lit up, as she showed a smile through her tears. Taking the lead, she felt the amount of hope rise for the trio of wounded wizards.

All eyes shot towards the opening Guild Hall door, revealing Lucy and the entire Lamia Scale guild.

"Lu-chan! You managed to get in contact with Lyon?!" Levy yelled, running up to her blonde friend.

"If they weren't going to do it, I would have to! Plus, it was just a fortunate crossover..." She awkwardly scratched the back of her neck, avoiding the eye contact Levy was seeking for.

"So, where are the two?"

Everybody turned and noticed Sheria, a big smile on her face.

"Really? You didn't notice them on the floor right in front of you?" Natsu replied, cocking a brow. He pointed at Erza and Jellal who still seemed passed out on the floor.

"Do you want me to help you or not?" Sheria puffed her cheeks and crossed her arms. "Besides, if Wendy were to help me, things would go ten times faster."

"Wendy's upstairs with Romeo. She used all of her magic on helping Jellal. As you can see, sadly, it wasn't enough." Gray stepped in, followed by Juvia desperately clinging on to his arm.

"Well, why don't I heal her first and then we work together?"

"I don't think it works that way..." Natsu interfered, throwing his hands behind his head.

"How would you know? Can you heal people?"

Natsu parted his lips to speak, but Sheria cut him off before he got the chance to say anything. "Exactly. Now, bring Wendy down here."

"Wendy looked pretty fragile. Maybe it's better if you head upstairs. Here, I'll drop you off." Levy spoke, holding a hand out and waiting for Sheria to follow.

The two wizards were headed upstairs, knocking on every door in search for Romeo.

"Romeo?" Levy shouted, cupping her hands around her lips.

Romeo stumbled out of one of the many doorframes and placed a finger on his lips, "Ssh! Not so loud!"

He tilted his head slightly when spotting Sheria, "And what is she doing here?"

"I'm here to save your girlfriend, Fire Boy." She replied, a smirk plastered on her face.

"You two will be fine! I'll be downstairs!" Levy awkwardly chuckled, trying to get away as fast as she could. She loved little kids, honestly, but she didn't feel like listening to their little fights.

Sheria sighed and passed Romeo, seeing Wendy's passed out figure on the bed. "Geesh, she really overdid herself..."

She sat down on her knees next to the bed, her hands hovering above Wendy's body. She closed her eyes and soon a bright light encased her hands.

"Have you told her how you feel yet, dork?" She asked Romeo, chuckling slightly.

His cheeks burned red, "W-What do you mean?!"

"I've honestly seen nobody so taken aback and red when joking around. Anyways, sort things out. She'll be awake in a few minutes and I need her to help me. When she wakes up, tell her that I'm downstairs and that if we combine our magic, we might get somewhere."

The light from her hands dimmed and she eventually got up, pacing her way into the doorframe. There she turned around, and shot Romeo a last glance. "If you hurt her, you're done for."

Romeo gulped loudly and watched Sheria walk away, letting out a loud sigh when she was gone. He hated to admit it, but she was right. He liked Wendy a lot and tried his best to hide it, yet she swooped by and read him like an open book.

Pouting in place, he crossed his arms and rested his back against the wall, his eyes fixated on Wendy. She'd be awake any moment now, and he had no idea on how to confront her nor tell her that she needed to go downstairs.

He hoped that when push came to shove he'd figure something out, but he realized that wasn't going to work when he started freaking out whilst Wendy woke up.

"Calm down, Romeo... You can do this... When she's awake, you're gonna confess to her."


I'm horrible. I suck at updating, write short chapters and I don't think this even contributed to the story... Oh well, I already knew I was bad at things.

I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING. I've been having a hard time trying to come up with how to progress in this, so to be frank, suggestions are always welcome!

Further, I appreciate all of you reading this and I never expected this story to hit over 10K reads. TEN THOUSAND, GUYS. YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING AND DON'T YOU EVER FORGET THAT! <3

~ Zoé

「Trouble Makers」|| 「A Nalu, Gale, Rowen, Jerza & Gruvia Fanfiction」 ❄️   ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now