chp 2:welcome home

13 1 0


Mess,thats all i ca say about my new room , our new house is huge like a mansion but my room need some serious heip,our neighbours can see right into my room and my washroom is of transparent glass great they can even see me naked. i hope a nice sweet girl lives there

so my name is catherine and i am 13 , i am gonna be studing in western high school thats the best school in town.i started to u npack my things .after two hours i was done with my room and went down. my mother was waiting for me. we had to go meet our neighnours, oh well.

i knocked the door and went behind my mother, an old woman about in thirties open the door and greeted us in.

this is my daughter sally she said pointing to a five year old girl and believe me she was the most adorable girl i have ever seen.

hi she greeted us and then went back to playing with her doll , aiden come down we have guest;arina said the boy who came down was.......

I know a cliffhanger and I know its been long......I promise to update soon

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