Part 7

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Part 7: In Town.

After the group had collected themselves and moved on through the woods, they arrived in the small hamlet of Mannok. The town was mostly peaceful, consisting of a few houses, a large building for the mayor, a few market stalls, and a large tavern. The group were mostly just happy to be somewhere safe.

As they entered, no one paid much attention to them. This town had its fair few adventurers passing through it, and so a group who looked a little battered up was nothing shocking. One they reached the main town square, Flukella lifted both hands above her head, yawning.

Flukella: "Well lads, as much as I enjoy your company, I'm getting myself a warm bed and some good mead. Locate me once we are ready to move on."

With that, she pushed her way into the tavern, passing a man who she almost bumped into. The man looked at her, blinked a few times, and then moved on, heading down the street. Juke saw him and called out.

Juke: "Excuse me, sir! Could you by any chance help us to find what might resemble an armoury? We wish to prepare for our next travels."

The man turns to face Juke, his eyes a little misty. He'd clearly been drinking.

Drunkard: "Well... We dun'av an arm-er-ee, buh we do 'av one'a them stones you cans sharpen ya swords on"

Though the man's words were slurred, Juke nodded, somewhat understanding.

Juke: "Thank you good sir, we shall be sure to find it."

The drunkard nods his head, then turns around and continues to stumble off down the street, humming to himself.

Rage: "Judging by the state of this town, I'd not be surprized if that one was the mayor."

Juke: "Think you're being a little judgemental there."

Rage "They don't have an armoury or weapon shop! What even does this town do?"

Aaron: "I'd assume its a place for travellers to rest and recuperate in the middle of their travels, before they set off again."

Rage paused, then turned to the young swordsman, curious.

Rage: "Why does it sound like you're reading the flavour text of this town from a DnD card?"

Aaron could then be seen tucking a small deck of cards back into his pocket, trying to look inconspicuous.

Rage: "Dude!"

Aaron: "What?"

Rage: "Do you have 4th wall powers?"

Aaron: "...Nooooo."

Rage: "Since when can you use those?"

Aaron: "Just shut up okay?"

Rage: "No no, I am not dropping this, how do you have 4th wall powers?"

Aaron: "Because the writer is being lazy and using this for a cheap joke."

Rage: "What writer? What are you talking about."

At this point, the writer was getting pretty sick of Aaron's interruptions. He was thinking about killing off Aaron in the next dungeon if he didn't learn to behave himself and stop breaking the 4th wall.

Aaron: "I can hear you, you know?"

The writer knows, but the writer is willing to kill you off unless you shut up. People around you are getting suspicious. Aaron sighed, looking down at the floor.

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