Chapter 35

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So... yeah... I think I might get some comments about this chapter... wow. That's all I can say. I've known since I first started "The Lone Wolf" that this was going to happen, but writing it out makes it real... well, as real as a fictional book can get :p

Chapter 35

Semi-organized chaos erupted after that. Tyler and I parted ways, and I headed to my dad’s house to see what I could do to help. Also, I wanted to check in on my mother and Jackson.

When I got just outside of the house, I changed out of the clothes Tyler had given me into my own clothes I kept outside. Then I ran into the house, where people were frantically running around. Men were in groups talking, probably planning. Some of the women were in the kitchen packing food while the others were helping the children pack anything they could. Like I said before, semi-organized chaos.

However, when I stepped into the living room, everyone stopped talking. It seemed every head in the house turned to look at me.

I cleared my throat awkwardly, wondering why they were all staring at me.

Then, a familiar face smiled at me brightly. Tyler’s mom, Tracy, came rushing over to me and gave me a big hug.

“Oh, congratulations dear! I’m so happy you both finally mated. It’s just too bad you have to deal with all this right after…”

I blushed furiously, realizing everyone could actually smell the fact that Tyler and I had mated. Well, that was awkward.

I looked over to see my dad with the group of men. His face didn’t give away many of his emotions. He simply nodded at me, and then went back to planning.

After that, Susan told me to go to my room and pack up any of my necessities. I went to do that immediately, hoping that once my own stuff was packed I could help others.

When I got to my room I grabbed a bag and just started stuffing clothes inside. There weren’t too many objects I couldn’t live without, but I did grab a few pictures. Within minutes I was done. However, on my way out something on my bed caught my eye. I walked over to the bed slowly, having a bad feeling about whatever it was.

It was a note. I picked it up, unfolding it carefully. The writing was unfamiliar.

Dear Riley,

I’m sure that during all of this chaos, you haven’t gotten a chance to check up on your human pets. Well, don’t bother because we already have one of them.

If you come to us, alone, we will happily let him go, alive. However, if you bring even one other person with you- and trust me, we’ll know- then we will just as happily rip his head off.


The Rogues

My hand was shaking by the time I finished the letter. The way it was written… I could just see the smirk on his face, whichever one of those rogues had written this. And I couldn’t wait to rip it off his face.

Without thinking about it, I dropped my bag and headed towards the window. I couldn’t go back downstairs, because they would all see me leave and ask where I was going and what was wrong. And I didn’t have time for that.

I didn’t think about that fact that my window was two floors up. I simply opened the window and jumped.

The feet of snow on the ground helped to soften my fall, but pain still laced up my shins once I hit the ground. I didn’t pay much attention to it though, knowing it would heal. I moved on, moving into the dense part of the forest. Once hidden from sight, I shifted. And then I ran.

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