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Thunder clapped against the sky. The girl shuddered. She knew something was out there in the night. Something that shouldn't be. I heard this weird noise. I looked out my window and there was nothing . All of a sudden my phone buzzed saying I got a text and that scared the crap out of me . It was a unknown number that texted me
Unknown number- Hey😉
Me- who r u?
Unknown number- u know 😉
Me- no I really don't so bye!
Unknown number- I'll see u tonight
I placed my phone back on my desk and I was really confused. Who in the world just texted me saying they would see me tonight? I have no boyfriend and my friends don't have my number so I was a little confused . I heard my phone ringing this time it was the same unknown number . I picked it up and answered it which was a mistake. He sounded like a killer! He told me that my family was gonna die. But they are all home so I ran downstairs to tell them about this phone call and no one was home.

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