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I awoke with a small sense of pleasure and water falling on my lips. I was instantly mesmerized by the feeling of wet grass and the soothing sound of rain. I felt myself roll over in an unusual but comforting and natural way. I was insanely tired, and hungry, but for some reason I felt reborn, like a child in a new body resting on a small patch of grass. I was insanely tired, and I had the irresistible urge to keep on sleeping. I thought of the rain whispering, "Go to sleep, go to sleep," and so in my semiconscious state I thought it best to follow the rain's command and I was fast asleep.


Morning came with a feeling I've never had before. It was like the sun wielded an energy so vast that it brought the entire entity inside of me to bloom into life. I wasn't hungry, nor did I wake up vomiting, in fact I was in the same place as I was when I fell asleep, and when the wolf attacked me and mysteriously fled into the fog surrounding the opening of the forest.

With my newly equipped energy, I gently pulled myself upwards but instantly fell back down when I noticed something extremely frightening. I fell back into the same position, staring up at the cloudless sky and wondering if what I saw was real. Scared, I decided to look back down at where my feet were and instead, I found two black, hairy paws, outstretched in the sunlight and gleaming. I quickly hopped to my feet as of habit, which was actually a posture I recognized all too well from zoos and National Geographic posters. I turned my head to see the back of me, and all I saw was black fur, and something long and fluffy curling out from behind my legs. Instead of my nose constantly in my field of vision, I spotted a long, black snout point out on either sides of my eyesight. I turned around, getting used to my new way of maneuvering, and then I realised that I must be in a dream. The thought made me smile, as this dream was the best dream I have had in years. I did not feel hungry or sick. I started trotting along the last of the row of trees and found myself overlooking a quarry from a large cliff-like hill. Still in a dreamlike state, I decided to jump off the cliff and onto the cold, hard rock below. I remembered falling a little too fast for a dream, and when I hit the stone, I realised that I wasn't in one. I felt pain beyond belief, and I looked at one of my paws and saw red come from somewhere in between the pads. Frightened and stricken with pain, I slowly limped my body towards the pool of water in the middle of the quarry. The sun was blazing down like a true summer morning. I didn't know how many days had passed since I was penetrated in the leg by the wolf on that eventful day. The birds squawked in the distance and I heard a toad or two coming from the pool. When I arrived at the water, I turned and eased my damaged paw into the pool. It stung but I felt relieved and let the alleviating liquid run its course. After a few minutes of eerie silence, I pulled my paw out and rolled around to let my mouth catch a drink from the side of the pool. The water was cool, clean, and refreshing.

Afterwards, I sat under a tree on the cliff overlooking the quarry and thought. What was happening to me? Why me? What was the material that the wolf injected into me that led to my body changing into this form? At the pool, I had looked into the reflection of the water and saw that the entirety of my body was in fact the shape of a wolf - a black wolf, I don't know the different species of wolf so I didn't know what kind I was or anything. I only knew that I was alone, and I presumably injured my leg to the point at which I couldn't travel far. I decided that my new form was the reason why I no longer felt sick or hungry. I remembered reading somewhere that wolves have a larger metabolism, so they don't get hungry as much, and that most animals are immune to many human sicknesses, or something like that. I lay by the tree until after midday, and underneath me, I heard a large grumble. Hunger had finally, unconventionally come, and if anything, my new form was more able-bodied by means of hunting. I struggled to my feet and started trotting to the woods adjacent to the cliff, to the side of the quarry.After a few minutes of walking around and scoping the place, I noticed a rabbit lying in the tall grass on the other side of a creek.

I'd never hunted before, and frankly never really wanted to. But now there was no choice, it was kill or be killed, and I wasn't raised with a kind enough heart to not kill. I crouched behind a long, horizontal rock and watched the rabbit for about two minutes to make sure it wasn't about to move. Cautiously, I slid into the open and presumed what I guessed was an attack position. Eyes watched - then, instinctively, I jolted straight for the creek. I knew I had to jump - there was no going back now - but suddenly, I felt sharp pain as my crippled paw hit a sharp rock and I plunged awkwardly into the creek, my head hitting just about every possible rock. I fell into cool water, half of my body resting on a stone that was risen above the water's level. Again, my eyes drooped a painful droop.

And then, I was unconscious. Again.

This week was just not my week.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2013 ⏰

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