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Thanks for those who waited for this sorry it took a hundred years to update cuz this idiot here completely forgot about it!! Tehehehe....Gomen forgive me pleaseeee!!! TT^TT
Well here it goes:

Lemon-Yaoi for kagehina

>In Hinata's house<

"I'm home" the orange haired boy said as he opened the door to his house.

"sorry for intruding" the tall raven haired boy said while holding Hinata's hand as he is pulled inside the house.

"What! That's weird where's mom, dad and Natsu?" Hinata ask confuse and worried, the boy then spotted a note which allowed him to feel assured.

||| Note:

Dear Hinata
Your father and I took your sister Natsu to the doctors in Tokyo as she injured her leg severely while playing outside this morning. Just make whatever dinner you'd like here's some money if you'd like to order pizza.


"It seems mom and dad aren't gonna be here today." The shorter boy said slightly depress

"I hope your sister alright" the taller male comforted while hugging Hinata from behind.

"Ne kageyama wanna stay over???" Hinata said as he looks over to kageyama pleading to him with his adorable eyes.

"Sure" kageyama quickly responded tightening his hug on Hinata

"But first call your parents" Hinata said innocently.

"yeah" kageyama respond gripping Hinata's waist making Hinata blush.

"W-well I'll get dinner started" the boy broke free from Kageyama and makes his way to the kitchen.

>Skip to taste testing<

"Kageyamaaaa say ahhhh..." Hinata said attempting to make kageyama taste his cooking creation.

"A-ahhhh...chomp" Kageyama opened his mouth to devour Hinata's cooking creation while blushing dark shades if red.

"How is it?" Hinata ask while fidgeting with his fingers, kageyama immediately noticed this and immediately replied.

"It's good" kageyama said nonchalantly. Due to the tone of his voice Hinata assumes for the worse.

"You don't have to lie just tell me if it tastes bad." Hinata complained sourly. Unexpectedly kageyama kissed Hinata on the lips while he snakes his hands inside Hinata's shirt to pinch his nipple.

"Nnggh..." Hinata moans as he breaks the kiss with kageyama however the raven hair male quickly reinstated the kiss as it became more and more heated until the pan started burning which made Hinata flinch and shove kageyama aside.

"AHHH!!!! Oh no it's burning...ouch" Hinata started panicking as a result he burned his fingers from the spilling soup. He quickly turned the gas off and clean the surfaces. Just when Hinata was on his way to clean himself from the spillage of the soup kageyama carried him and up the stairs.

"W-what kageyama put me down" Hinata protested clearly embarrassed due to the dark shade of red forming on his cheeks.


Kageyama gently thew Hinata into the bed, he then started undressing, taking off his shirt as he hover over the drenched Hinata. Kageyama forcefully took Hinata's shirt off along with his pants and underwear, which is now scattered all over Hinata's room.

||Here it goes all my sanity gone again! -the things I do for the internet!||

The impatient kageyama kissed Hinata passionately before flipping him over and shoving his shaft into Hinata's tight ass. The poor male grunted as kageyama's shaft is too big for it to be forcefully inserted.

"Hinata can I move now?" Kageyama ask in a daze due to the pleasure of entering Hinata.

"N-not yet it still hurts... I-I'm scared" Hinata shed a tear due to the pain and shock he received.

"It'll be okay I'll move slowly." Kageyama says being impatient as always.
Kageyama started moving slowly then faster
"hmm...Ahh...uhh" Hinata moans trying to contain himself.

The excruciating pain Hinata relieved slowly became pleasure soon the two were in a complete trance enjoying the pleasure when they felt it the sign that it was time.
"I-I'm coming soon Hinata" kageyama said as his thrust becomes slow sloppy.
"m-Metoo...ugh..hah." Hinata respond.

Soon the two came together. Kageyama came inside Hinata while Hinata came all over the bed sheet.
Kageyama then fell on top of Hinata due to the exhaustion and rolled over on the side while capturing Hinata's waist with his arms and the two falls asleep peacefully.

"Ouchhh...owww" Hinata yelled due to the pain present in his back.

"Why are you so noisy in the morning?" Kageyama woke up opening one of his eyelids.

"B-baka I can't move you've gone too far last night." Hinata with tears in his eyes.

"G-gomen... Shall we skip school today?" Kageyama says while blushing completely aware of what he did to Hinata.

"Yeah let's skip." Hinata respond when kageyama pulled him back to bed.

The end!

||A/N: Oh MA GAD just what the HELL did I just do!!!! Btw this is my first YAOI Lemon EVAR (we're making history people!) despite me being the Yaoi master. However this is actually my second LEMON story my first one is the Akashi X reader (happy birthday Akashi series.) well that's the end of it bye!||

Yaoi Master Zen Out!!!! Onto the next story! Cya there!
Ps: I'm banning myself from writing more new stories as I just abandon my other stories which is left incomplete therefore I'll finish all my other stories before starting a fresh one.!!!

Zen OUt!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2016 ⏰

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