Beautiful day

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wake up !! wake up !! Lauren shouted as she darted from room to room. Lauren and her best friends Nicola and Natalie were going on holiday to Italy. The three girls had been waiting for this holiday for ever. Lauren just turned 18 and this was a birthday present from her friends. The girls couldn't wait to travel to the city of romance to hopefully find the one. As well as this the girls were attending a concert of the operatic pop trio IL VOLO. The girls were absolutely besotted with the group and they all had favourites. Lauren loved Ignazio Boschetto a tall, dark and handsome Sicilian. Nicola adored Piero Barone a sweet and gentle Sicilian and Natalie loved Gianluca Ginoble a serious yet gorgeous man from Abruzzo. The girls hoped to meet there idols and get to know them more. 

Meanwhile Lauren was still running round the apartment screaming her head off as a bleary eyed Nicola and Natalie emerged with their luggage. Oh my god guys its actually happening we are going to Italy screamed Lauren.

NIcola and Natalie had both cheered up a bit at the prospect of finally going on holiday occured. Right everyone got their passports,liscences and tickets for il volo ? Said Natalie who was the serious one of the group much like Gianluca from il volo. YES!! They all screamed. Right lets go. 


The girls had arrived at the airport late due to the awful London traffic. After making it through customs they arrived in the departure lounge ready for the 2hr trip to Rome. The girls would spend a week in the capital before travelling down to sicily to see the concert in Agrigento. They boarded there flight and settled down  for what was going to be an exciting journey.  As Lauren didnt sleep well on planes and she was tired she decided to listen to il volo. The song beautiful day started with that smooth,deep voice of baritone Gianluca, before ascending  into perfect lyrical notes of  tenor Piero and then ending with the pop vibe of tenor Ignazio. All she could think of was meeting them, but especially meeting Ignazio and staring into his beautiful chocolate eyes. 


Touchdown in Rome. Finally the holiday had begun. They left the airport and walked into the italian sunshine. Ahhh the smell of  Italy sighed Nicola. Lauren still excited was screaming and bouncing around all over the place, guys can we go and explore, hey lets see if we can find il volo. The girls travelled into the heart of the city visiting places such as the colleasuem, the trevi fountain and not forgetting the famous gelato parlours. After spending all day wondering around taking in the sights of this beautiful magestic city they decided to try and find a restaurant for dinner. They found a small yet lively pizzeria in the middle of the city and decided this would be a perfect place to start their culinary journey. After spending about half an hour in the restauarnt something caught Lauren's eye. A tall dark hair man sitting on the table ebhind with two other boys and an older woman. The mans fave looked teally familiar but Lauren just couldnt make a comnection until suddenly it clicked. 

Holy shit guys its il volo on the table behind us !!! 

What do you mean they wouldnt be here, they might just look like them there are loads of italian boys that look the same. Said nicola.

No, seriously its them Ignazio,Piero,Gianluca and Barbra. Just turn around said Lauren who wa shetting slightly annoyed that her friends didnt believe her. 

Fine the other two said. They turned round and there they were il volo sat behind them, smiling and laughing. 

Omg!!! I cant believe it this is amazing they all screamed. Dont they just look gorgeous. We have to go over and say hi. 

No lauren we cant said natalie we will interupt them, they are trying to eat.

Meanwhile while the girls were arguing what to do Ignazio got up from the table to go to the bathroom. He walked passed the girls table and quielty observed them. A girl with long,straight brown hair and red lips caught his eye and made smile wave across his face. On the way back from the bathroom he decided to stop  at the table and introduce himself.

Hi im Ignazio. Ignazio Boschetto. 

All three of the girls sat there in awe staring at the handsome man in front of them.

Hi umm... Umm.. Im lauren and these are my friends nicola and natalie said a very stunned lauren. We are massive fans of you guys we love you, i love you. She said turning alightly red as the words tumbled out. 

Thanks hey why dont you join us we would love to get to know some of our fans over dinner.

Yeah sure why not they said getting up from the table. 

Hey, listen up ive just found some of our biggest fans and have invited them to eat with us Gianluca, Piero,Barbra this is Lauren,Nicola and Natalie.

We all exchanged greetings and sat down each of us sitting next to one of the boys. I wa sat next to Ignazio ans was still in shock at what had just happened. 

So are you here on holiday then? Said Ignazio

Yeah we have come from london, we are staying for 2 weeks and week herw then a week in sicily. It was a birthday present as ive just turned 18 and because we are going to see one of your concers in Agrigento. 

Oh cool thats amazing, happy belated birthday by the way said he smooth talking italian. 

After plenty of jokes my stomach hurted from laughing at Ignazio and hoe goofy he was. Barbra announced they had to leave as the boys had to be up early to do many interviews. We all hugged and said goodbye and before they could leave Ignazio grabbed my arm and said 

I had fun tonight, could we meet tomorrow? Just add your number into my phone ans i will text you. 

After exchanging number anad saying goodybe again we watched the three boys leave. 

Oh my days we just ate dinner with il volo. I cant believe it and Ignazio wants to meet tomorrow. 

I know right i cant believe it me and natalie are goig to meet piero and gianluca at the beach in the afternoon. Imagine if we all started dating these guys it would eb incredible. I can tell this is going to be the best holiday of our lives. 

Back at the hotel lauren was hopping into bed when her phone pinged it was a text from Ignazio: 

Hey, had a great evening tonight you looked amazing by the way. Was just wondering if you wanted to meet me around 11am tomorrow to go sightseeing. Buonanotte bella love Ignazio xx 

I quickly replied: hey, that would be amazing cant wait see you tomorrow. Xx 

I turned my phone off and snuggled under the duvet. I closed my eyes with a smile plastered across my face. Tomorrow couldnt come any quicker. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2015 ⏰

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