Episode One - Part One

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Episode One - Part One

When I first found out that Ryan Brier had powers, I was thirteen years old. We were already very close friends by then, considering the fact that our families had been acquaintances since the age of diapers, and I pretty much knew everything about "the boy next door"; his hopes, his dreams, his fears, the precious blanket that always went to bed with him at night; we were inseparable. So, finding out that Ryan had been keeping an enormous secret from me was very frustrating.

We were in the kitchen drinking soda when the whole superhero side spilled. His cat, Mousy, had sprinted across the table knocking over the bowl of pretzels and sending our cups to smash against the floor. Frowning, Ryan had gone to get the broom while I attempted to refill the bowl.

"Leave it to my dumb cat to ruin the moment," he had said, shaking his head.

"Seriously Ryan," I laughed, "We were talking about balloons! Not exactly a memorable subject."


"You just get the broom," I nudged, and pulled out a chair to stand on so I could reach the snack cabinet. It wasn't exactly very high up, but I wasn't exactly very tall. Ryan shrugged and proceeded to the back closet where all the supplies were kept.

"And the pretzels would be...?" I yelled, searching my hands across the various bags.

"In the back, Ella," Ryan responded, saying my named with a muffled voice as he was now head deep amongst cleaning objects.

"Great," I muttered and began to stand on my tiptoes. Still not tall enough, I then tried to jump and reach the back of the cabinet space. Teetering on the edge of the seat, I leaned forwards while pulling myself up one last time.

Not a very smart move.

Suddenly, the chair tipped.

"AHHH!" I shrieked as my body was thrown backwards. My heart lurched into my brain as fear kept my chest throbbing ten billion miles per hour. Screaming, I closed my eyes and prepared to wake up in the hospital with a six inch stitching on the back of my head and a possible form of amnesia.

But I didn't.

The next thing I knew, I was resting on the very strong arms of Ryan himself.

And we were in midair.

"Uh," I mumbled, clutching his neck and glancing at the ground which was ten inches away from Ryan's feet, "I think you're flying."

"I think I am," he replied calmly, gently settling on the floor again. With a smooth gesture, I was safely placed back on the rug. Ryan's face was expressionless.

"Care to explain?" I asked crisply, trying to keep a cool disposition, but inside I was freaking out. Like, OMG MY BEST FRIEND CAN FLY! Wait, is he a superhuman? Is he, like related to Black Ice or Lady Wind? Those were the two current popular super people of the time. That would be SO FLIPPING COOL! But, why didn't he tell me? I mean, seriously? I'm your BEST FRIEND!

"It's complicated," Ryan mumbled.

"So, un-complicate it!" I demanded, jutting my chin up stubbornly.

"Well," he said, turning away, "I'm kind of related to..."


"Umm...," he paused turning to glance at my face briefly, "Superman. I'm related to Superman."

"That isn't very complicated," I retorted, staring suspiciously up at him with narrowed eyes. My voice remained icily calm, however inside I was screaming, SUPERMAN? You mean THE LEGEND OF ALL LEGENDS? The most FAMOUS superhero ever? Seriously? No flipping way!

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