One- I'm just gonna stop talking

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Did you ever think that you were insane? I had always thought of myself as sane as most, and when I saw her sitting there in the corner I just assumed she was a new kid who I hadn't met. What happened after, well what happened after had me questioning my sanity, to say the least.


"Who is that?" I asked pointing to the girl sitting alone in the corner.

"Who?" Max asked through a mouthful of food.

I pointed to the corner.

"Who?" He asked again.

I rolled my eyes. "The girl sitting in that corner. She's right there. Long hair?"

Max looked at me strangely. "Ryan are you feeling okay? There's nobody there."

I looked again. She was still sitting there, staring off into space. Her expression was blank, as if she were daydreaming.

"How can you not see her? She's sitting right there."

Honestly, Max got on my nerves sometimes. He liked to play jokes. A lot. April fools day was basically every day for him.

"Dude are you on something? Nobody is sitting in the corner. It's empty."

I ran my fingers through my hair.

There was obviously someone sitting there, and Max was just being an idiot and messing with me.

"Yeah sure whatever." I said.

Max looked one last time, and so did I.

There was nobody there.

"Oh she must have left or something." I muttered.

He nodded slowly and looked at me for a minute. "Are you sure you're-"

"I'm fine!" I snapped.

I tore a chunk of my sandwich off to signify that the conversation was over.

I pride myself on being a man of science, math, logic, reasoning, all that good stuff. Being the logical person that I am, I dismissed the weird girls appearance and disappearance and went on with my day.

I sat through Calculus, AP physics, and was finally in my last class of the day, Spanish four.

I zoned out while Ms. Clark lectured us on the latest Spanish quiz we had taken, which apparently half the class had failed. I was not one of them, seeing as I valued school.

"Ryan?" Mrs. Clark prompted.

"Uh sorry I kind of zoned out. What was the question?" I asked.

She shook her head and instead asked someone else. I sighed, silently cursing myself for not paying attention. That was not going to get me a good grade for participation.

I glanced behind me at the clock to see how much time I had left in here. Forty five more minutes of this.

As I turned back around I saw her again. She was sitting in the back in a row of empty desks. Again, she was staring ahead, barely moving. She certainly looked real and not like a figment of my imagination. I stared at her for a minute wondering who she was. I assumed she was new because I knew most of the people at the school. She seemed to notice someone's eyes on her and glanced at me.

We made eye contact, and a whole sea of emotions made their way across her face. Joy, confusion, fear, hopefulness. I quickly looked away and faced the front again. Mystery solved. She was just some new kid, and now I could focus on my Spanish.

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