Lacey's pov: The next morning we said goodbye to the boys Harry's family my sister and her husband and Sophie mommy and daddy will see you in a week I said hugging Sophie goodbye have fun with grandma bye love you she said waving I'm gonna miss her I said to Harry I haven't been away from her at all for a long time she will be fine Harry said hugging me from behind wanna go back to the room he whispered I smiled and took his hand 4 days later me and Harry were on the beach when my phone rang hello I answered hi Lacey it's mason ambers husband yeah uh mason what's up I Asked him I don't know how to tell you this he said his voice shaky this morning amber went out for a walk with our dog ally and she was hit by a car that was speeding she died instantly I'm sorry tears spilled down my face thanks mason I said please let me know Any other details if you find out yes of course mason said I hung up and looked at Harry who was swimming In the ocean I left him a note and went back to the hotel room I wish I didn't shut out my sister in my life now she's gone ! I cried and for the first time in almost a year I cut taking the small razor that I hid from Harry across my wrists
Harry's pov : I walked up to the chairs that Lacey was sitting at but she wasn't there but she left a note saying she went back to the room because she wasn't feeling we'll I decided to go and see how she was doing so I grabbed my things and walked to the room
Lacey's pov : I laid on the bed and cried I heard Harry walk into the room a few minutes later and I knew what I had just done would upset him he said on the bed beside me and said one word why ? I sat up and looked into his green eyes amber was killed this morning I said she walking her dog this morning as usual and she was hit by someone speeding she died instantly so that's why Harry I snapped I'm sorry he said hugging me then it hit me my whole family was gone dead I should have not shut her out I said to Harry I feel so stupid I said my whole family is dead I said tears running down my face I'm sorry I said looking down at my wrists covered in blood even though your family is gone Harry said there looking down on you and there so proud of you Harry said Lacey I know it Harry said your beautiful your married you have a lovely daughter you have me Sophie my family the boys you aren't alone Lacey I nodded and he wiped away my tears he got up and went to the bathroom and came back with a cloth to wash the blood off my arms he set the cloth down and climbed into bed beside me are you tired he asked me I nodded weak ? He asked me I nodded again get some rest please he said kissing my forehead
Harry's pov : I laid beside Lacey who had now fallen asleep by now I couldn't believe it myself that her sister had died it hurt Lacey this was the first time she had cut in almost a year she was doing so we'll but I understood that hearing her sister had been killed hurt
Lacey's pov: 3 days later
We were at the airport we told Anne that we would be a few extra days because we were attending ambers funeral in la and I was speaking at it after landing in la it was late so we just went to the hotel and went to the sleep the next day was the funeral we arrived at the building mason was out front he showed us where to sit I agreed to say a few things after the priest had done his stuff it was my turn to speak hi I said I'm Lacey styles ambers sister I'm deeply saddened by this tragedy my parents when I was just 16 years old died in a accident and me and my sister lived without them for years after the accident me and my sister drifted apart she moved to la married mason we didn't speak for a few Years but these last few months we were starting to get really close my whole family may be gone but I know there looking down on me in heaven I know you all knew my sister differently and I thank you for being such good friends to her I walked off the stage with tears in my eyes and I went and sat beside Harry again after the funeral me and Harry went out so all the sadness and stress of the funeral would he gone for now how are you doing Harry asked me as we walked downtown la I could be better I said trying to hold back tears suddenly flashing lights appeared paparazzi Harry could tell I was tired and upset ok Harry said one good photo you can use for anything and then you can let us leave deal they said I smiled as Harry kissed my cheek and all of them took photos ok were done here Harry said as he grabbed my hand and pushed through them as they still took photos and we quickly ran to our car
Harry's pov: I drove back to the hotel when we got there I noticed Lacey had fallen asleep so I carried her up to our hotel room bridal style I laid her on the bed and looked for her pyjamas but I couldn't find them so I grabbed a t shirt of mine and undressed her and slipped the shirt on her and covered her with the blankets and got in beside her and soon drifted off to sleepYay a update !! Sorry it's been so long I've been busy with my job and college anyways one more thing comment one thing about me using punctuation and I'll literally kill u not kidding

Fanfiction( I wrote this ages ago and was stupid so sorry for the lack of proper writing skills ) Lacey Williams is 17 years old and living with her boyfriend Tyler he parents died in a car crash last year Tyler thinks Lacey is cheating and he dumped her on...