Whatever Happened To 'Self love'

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"I don't know." replied Melissa as she sipped on her water.

I was sitting on my chair as I could hear her voice echo through the walls.

"I think I should go through surgery. Minor one won't hurt, will it? " she continued as I tried analyzing the situation.

" So.. You want to go through a surgery to remove the scar from your face because your school bullies are bullying you about it. Am I right? " I asked her

" Yes. "

" Do you know the word 'Self Love'? "

" Of course I do " she replied by shrugging her shoulders.

" Define it for me, will you? "

" Well, It's when you know, you love yourself for who you are and not for who others want you to be. "

" You sure know your definitions, but you don't know when to apply them in your life " I replied to her suitable definition of self love.

" Excuse me? "

" You know that a person should have self love before being loved by someone else, but that is the reason you are being bullied by people who certainly are not that important. "

" Could you try to say it in a easier way? "

" Of course, " I said." When I was in school, I used to be fat. Very. I used to wear specs and people used to call me 'Fat old Reed'. I was fed up. I was so upset, that I tried to commit suicide two times, but I realized, Melissa,that if you don't appreciate yourself for being yourself and not what others want you to be, then no one will love you. Do you understand now, Melissa? "

" Yeah. I do. " she replied.

" So, do you want to go through that pain and suffering and hurt to satisfy people who don't even know the meaning of respect?"

"No. Thank you. "

" It's okay, but just remember one thing.
You can hurt yourself and act as someone you aren't for your entire life and search for satisfaction by means of sorrow and pain, but that will never satisfy you. You know what will satisfy you? " I spoke to her while she listened go me carefully.

" What's that? " she asked me.

" That's the feeling of loving yourself for who you are. " I told her.

"You're the best. Thank you so much! I was about to hurt myself for something that would be useless. You're a hero! Thank you again!" se said while putting her coat on.

"You're most welcome, Melissa. Take care and good day "

" You too have a good day! ".

Well, I was waiting for my next client, Dominic when my assistant, Christy entered.
" Good morning sir. " she said as she brought in my coffee.

"Good morning, Christy. Thank you for the coffee. Any news on Dominic?"

"Oh, sir. He just called and told me that he won't be able to come today. He has a book club to attend. "

" Oh, that's okay. Any one else yet to come? " I replied to her as my evening was completely free.

" Nope, that was the last client. "

" Okay, thank you, Christy " I replied to her, while my mid started planning my upcoming evening.

" Sir, is it okay if I leave a bit early today? "

" Sure, may I know why, though? " I asked her.

" Well, my fiance and I are planning to go for a movie today. "

" Sure, Christy. Have fun! " I told her.

" Thank you so much sir. " said Christy as she left and closed the door behind her.

What should I do now?

Maybe I can go home and read a book so something. What else must a 34 year old single man do?

.... Why did I say that?

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