Chapter 1

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Brook's POV:

Imagine if, suddenly you woke up and your whole life has been a dream, and you are actually a completely different person, living a different life in a different world.

Here I am at 7 in the morning, in front of the mirror awake and depressed. I keep telling myself that everything will be alright if I keep my head up and fake a smile. But that does not explain why I feel so depressed. So unwanted.

It will be nearly 5 months that my mother and I had a car accident, my mother dies due to the shock whereas me? I was completely safe without any bruises. After that day, my father told me the truth, that I was adopted, not really adopted, my mother or must I say adopted mother found me there, in a park. My father accepted me because my mother always wanted a child. After knowing the truth, I was completely devastated, I keep telling myself that I was unwanted. My father keeps telling me that it was my fault that his wife dies and shouts at me every time for no reason.

My name is Brooklyn Clifford, next week I will turn 17, I leave in Colorado and I just started my junior year one month ago.

The sun just rises, which means that another day in October starts. I look at myself one last time in the mirror, blonde hair, blue eyes and 5 ft 8, an average height according to me, I personally don't find myself attractive and feel insecure in my body so I go to the gym regularly so as to get in shape.

Without eating breakfast, I leave my house, to avoid my father and walk toward my neighbor house to get a ride to school as usual.

It was cold outside and it has not started to snow yet as we were in the middle of October, but it will nearly snow next week maybe.

" Yo Brook! " greeted Jackson when he saw me.

"Hi, Jack, ready for school?"I ask walking toward him.

Jack had a lean, flat-muscular body, dark brown hair, light brown eyes and 5 ft 11. He was wearing vans, faded jeans, black t-shirt, and a leather jacket to complete the look of a typical bad boy. Yeah, that boy who could be a model was my friend. Then my eye caught his Kawasaki Ninja ZX-11, he must have seen my eye brighten because block my way preventing me from going further toward the black motorcycle and before I could ask anything he barked,

" No, you can't drive because I just repaired it."

I look at him doing my puppy face and said

" pleeeease Jack... you know I waited for so long to drive it. Pleeease... " and pout.

He stares at me with a blank expression, but I know that he will give up. He always gives up when I pout.

"Fiiine... you sure you can handle it?" he asked mockingly. I gave him a death glare and bark

" Haha, very funny. You know I'm better than you so shut up and let me drive. "

" Ohh, calm down miss, I taught you everything and me, Jackson Lewis, am better that you, " said Jack proudly.

" Oh? Really? Prove it. As usual, after school you and me. Race. "

I was very competitive and love taking risks. Jack and I were Motor buddies, he taught me everything about a motorcycle, how to ride and all that stuff and we would always race together. People would think we were a couple, but Jack is more like a brother to me and love to provoke each other. This is why we were both friends for such a long time.

I get on the motorcycle, start the engine and just but the roar of the motor I was thrilled. Motorcycle was always my passion, just by seeing one, my eye will fill with excitement. Jack gets behind me and gave me one helmet. The motorcycle starts to move and a smile build up on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2015 ⏰

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