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Sorry for not updating by the end of yesterday like I said I would. Here's chapter 1 at least, I wish it was longer but it's still my first chapter so enjoy!


Maka's P.O.V.

"Soul breakfast is ready!" I shout from the kitchen. I lean my ear towards the hallway hoping to hear sounds of rusling, but only find the sounds of snoring.
With a sigh I walk down the hall and stop at his door. I lean against the door with my ear pressed against it. "Yep definitely snoring." I open the door all the way and walk to the side of the bed to find Soul sprawled out on his twin sized bed. I place my hand on his shoulder and begin to shake him. "Soul wake up breakfast is ready!" I stop shaking him just as he let's out a big yawn. "Alright alright I'm up." He says while rubbing his eyes. "Hurry up or the food will get cold." I say as I leave his room.
I walk to the kitchen table and start to pour both of us orange juice. Soon Soul's door opens. "So what's for breakfast?" He asks as he sits on the opposite side of the table across from me. "Same thing as always." I say with a shrug. He shrugs as well and starts to dig in without even thinking about manners. By the time I'm half way through eating he's already downing his glass of orange juice. "Thank you for the meal," he says. He soon gets up to take his dishes to the sink to rinse them off. I get up as well to throw away the rest of my food I didn't eat into the trash. "You've been doing that a lot lately." Soul says as he walks past me. "I guess, I'm just used to cooking for more people that's all." I say as I start to rinse my dishes as well. "If Blair was still here I wouldn't have to throw away food." I say sadly as I make my way down the hall to the bathroom to brush my teeth.
Soul is already at the sink squirting tooth paste onto his toothbrush, then passes me the tooth paste. "Don't tell me you actually miss her that much." He says with a mouth full of tooth paste. "She wasn't that bad, maybe at first but she helped us out a lot in the end." I say while brushing my teeth. "Well I'm glad she finally got her pumpkin house fixed and left, she annoyed me to much." He says while rinsing his mouth. "Soul that's mean to say, Blair was nice to us!" I shout at him. "I don't care, do you know how long it took me to stop having nose bleeds around her!" He shouts back. "Still, you should at least miss her a little." I say after rinsing my mouth with water. "Nope, like I said she annoyed me to much." He says while leaving the bathroom.
"Well I miss her at least." I thought while I went to go search for my school bag in my room. It's been three years since Asura was sealed away. Soul and I don't fight as much or at least are arguments end much quicker than they used to. He's grown a lot taller than me though, I only come up to his shoulder. I haven't grown that much at all really, even Patty is taller than me! At least I've grown in other assets but not by much either. "Aha, there you are." I reach down and pull my bag out from under the bed. "I must have forgotten that I stashed it under there so Soul wouldn't find it and copy my homework." Once my bag is out from under the bed I take one last look in the mirror. My appearance has changed a little as well. My hair is a little longer than it was before reaching to the middle of my back. I don't wear pig tails anymore, a ponytail works well for me now. I still wear my school girl Spartoi uniform without my black tights and jacket that I only wear if I need to. I also shortened the sleeves to resemble a short sleeve shirt. The only thing that stayed the same was my skirt and boots. "Soul are you ready!" I shout as I turn away from the mirror. I open my door to find Soul leaning against his waiting for me with a smirk on his face. "I've been ready, waiting for you." He says as he walks down the hall to leave.
"Well then why didn't you tell me." I say with a frown as he opens the door as I grab his and my set of keys. "Thought I might suprise you, your not ready first this time." He says with that smirk still plastered to his face while I hand him his keys. "So you were ready before me for once, we're going to be late if we keep arguing about it!" I shout as I sprint down the street. "You can't just dodge the subject like that, Maka wait for me!" He shouts back as he starts running after me.


Also sorry for any spelling or format errors. Thank you for waiting for this chapter, hope you liked it.

(I don't own anything except my own ideas.)

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