The Sisters of Louis Tomlinson

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Lottie's POV


"Girls, are you all ready? You're going to be gone for a few months so make sure to bring everything you need. Doncaster isn't too far from London but it's far enough. Lottie, Fizzy, bring your phones and let the twins use them if they want to call me or your father. Call if you girls need anything. I am sure Louis and the boys, plus El, Perrie, and Danielle will take care of-". My mum said really fast before our brother Louis interupted her.

"Mum, they'll be fine. We'll take care of them. Stop worrying."

"I know Lou, its just it's the first time that the girls have been gone for a long period of time."

"I know mum. Girls, we should get going if we want to make it back to London by tonight."

"K." The four of us said at the same time as Fizzy and I walked down the porch steps and our mum was giving hugs and kisses to Phoebe and Daisy.

"Ok, I love you guys."

"We love you too mum." We said getting into the van. And those were our last words to her before we drove away.

Now the ride to the pent house, well, lets just say this, leave it to my brother to make any boring occasion interesting. We had the radio on but we kept losing service. So Louis, put in their Take Me Home album in and started singing.

Eleanor was in the very back with Phoebe and Daisy who were laughing their butts off. Harry was in the front passenger seat screaming the lyrics at the top of his lungs with Louis. And last but defenitly not least, the Nialler, him, Fizzy, and I were in the middle row trying to mess the boys up by singing lyrics to different songs. It really agrivated them. It made them so mad that Louis turned turned around, took both hands off the steering wheel and starting throwing stuff at us.

"Louis what the hell are you doing! Keep your eyes on the fucking road!" Niall screamed. We have all heard him swear before so it wasn't that big of a deal.

"Niall don't be swearing! There's little people around!" Harry screamed. This whole time we were all just laughing.

"Boys, boys, settle down." Our brother said in a high pitched voice. "If you want to go to Nandos when we get back you need to stop with all this rubbish."

"Okaaaaaaay", they both said in a little kid voice.

"Louis", the twins started to say, "can you play She's Not Afraid please?"

"Sure anything for you girls."

"No! Play I Would!" I said. I'm guessing Eleanor was thinking the same thing because then she said,

"Yeah babe, play that one."

"Hey Lou, could you please play They Don't Know About Us?"

"Awww, does my wittle sissy have a boyfweind dat no one knows about?"

"No! I don't...but Lottie does!" Fizzy said elbowing me.

"Nooooo. I have no idea what you're talking about."

"Yes you do!"

"Yeah! He walks her home from school everyday", Daisy said.

"And he carries her books", Phoebe added.

"Girls", Eleanor giggled at first and then kept talking, "I don't think your sister finds this very funny. Louis just play Heart Attack." I am so glad El was there for me. She is like a big sister to me.

The truth is, I did have a boyfriend. He did walk me home from school everyday and he always carried my books. His name is Martin. We have been dating for a few years but we had to say goodbye when I left for the summer. We didn't want to try a long distance relationship so we decided to break up for the summer until I got back. The last time I saw him was Wednesday. It was the last day of school and two days before we left and- anyway the point is I was sad and El could tell.

After that we were all quiet and to break the silence, Niall rolled down the window and started screaming hi and waving to random strangers. We all found it funny and started doing the same thing. Some people actually waved and said hi back but others just gave us funny looks. I don't know how long we did it for all I know is that the time flew by and before we knew it we were at the pent house.

When we got out, we had people in the lobby put our lugage on a trolly so the paparozzi wouldn't come after us. After they were done unloading the van we thanked them and made our way upstairs and when we opemed the door Liam, Danielle, Zayn, and Perrie engulfed us in hugs. It had been a while since we've seen them.

The girls and I made our way to two rooms that they had prepared for us. Phoebe and Daisy in one room and Fizzy and I in another. Our rooms were upstairs with Louis and Eleanor's, Liam and Danielle's and Zayn and Perrie's down the hall. Niall's room was next to ours and Harry's was next to the twin's room.

Once we were done unpacking, we came downstairs to find everyone sitting on the couch watching TV.

"So, are you girls all unpacked?" our big brother asked. We nodded.

"Great! Lets go to Nandos!" Niall screamed.

"To infinaty, and beyond! I mean, to Nandos!" Liam yelled as he pointed his finger and ran towards the door. We all followed him out to the van.

Nandos was our favorite place to go whenever we came to visit.

This was going to be a good summer. Even if I don't have my summer love.


So this is a new story I'm writing. It is obviously about the Tomlinson sisters visiting Louis Tomlinson. I am going to put the POVs of all four girls and maybe some of the others. I was readimg it after I published the first the chapter. I found a few mistakes but I'm not sure if I got them all please let me know if I missed anything.




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