challenge numero uno

97 9 11

SkyEnderRose  nominated me for this challenge thing! So, I'll just put who I'm going to nominate..
-Foxy__Fazbear (already have been nominated) but tbh i don't have friends

Favorite song: in real life by tryhardninja

Favorite Sport: I play Soccer....So, Soccer of course. XD

  Favorite Band: This has to be Fallout Boy! Cuz' why not?

Favorite Show: Ugh I can't choose. I have a lot. But, Either Gravity Falls (yes just yes) or Steven Universe!! Both of these!!! Idk!

  Favorite Movie: I don't watch movies that much or at all really. Umm I honestly don't even know what to say for this one! XP

Favorite Video Game: Five nights at Freddy's 1, 2, 3 & 4. This counts as one, sort of. XD

  That's All!!! Cya!!

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