Steal Jeffs knife...and Whats your height?

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Okay honestly I have no idea how tall I am exactly...but I do know I'm 5' something....O.O shame on me for not knowing my height...ill ask Slenderman to check later...

Okay I have to steal Jeffs knife and when he finds out I have to punch him the face yelling "PEACE PEEEOPLES" then run!'s go absolutely nothing!!!!!

A few moments later
I'm hiding in meh closet with Jeffs knife..,he'll never find me....

A few minutes later

Okay I'm running for my little DEAD LIFE RIGHT NOW..JEFF IS A RAGING BULL dead so dead!!!


Okay I'm good I'm hiding in the electric box do I fit?
  I glitched my self smaller MUHAHAHAHA he'll never find me!

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