Where the Slicer's Slice!

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    Percy walked into the barn where the Slicers, well, sliced! When he entered Winston was right there, almost like he was waiting for him.
"Hey there Greenie, I'm Winston, Keeper of the Slicers."
"Hi, I'm Percy."
"Well, Percy, let's get started!" he said. The boy had tan skin, dark brown hair, and was not short but not tall, about the same size as Percy. Winston walked over to a gate and opened it. He closed that gate and opened the second one. He grabbed a pig like it was a pile of wood and walked over to the closed first gate and motioned for Percy to come over. He took the pig and handed it to Percy. Percy held it like he'd seen Winston do it and lifted it over the gate. It was surprisingly light, but he guessed that they didn't feed it much. "Go put it on the table" Winston commanded. He took the pigs, who squirmed and struggled to get out off his grip and carried him over to a bloody wooden table. Blood was splattered everywhere on the table, and Percy didn't even want to think of the so many different ways it got there. Winston came up beside him. "Put your pig down, strap it down with the strap, then go over there and grab a knife." Percy hated it already. He set his squirming pig down and held down its stomach while he grabbed the strap and pulled it over the poor pig. He felt like an animal abuser. He couldn't do this. He grabbed a knife from the wall and went to the pig. He had a brilliant idea. I'll pretend to be examining it, then I'll put a little cut in my hand just enough to to make a drop of blood, smear the blood and make it look really bad. Then I'll have to go to wherever their doctors are and get it fixed, he thought to himself.

He took the extremely sharp knife and with the tip, he put it into his skin. The knife tipped on its side, causing 1/4 of the blade to go into his skin. A gash appeared in his upper-finger, and instead of a little cut, it was bleeding ferociously.
"Um, Winston?" Percy said.
"Yeah Percy?"
"Uhh..." Winston turned around and sighed.
"Seriously dude? You cut your self, that bad, already?"
"Sorry" Percy said. His finger was in a world of pain, but he held himself together.
"Relax, man. You don't have to be sorry. Come with me, the med jacks will bandage that right up for ya Greenie." By this time, blood was dripping everywhere, and it was uncontrollable. They started walking towards the homestead, when Newt caught up with them.
"Woah, Greenie, what happened there?"
"I, uh, accidentally cut myself with the knife" Percy said.
"Oh, clumsy newbies. I'll walk with you guys to the med jacks so I can stay there with Percy while Winston goes back to slicing." Newt said. Percy didn't say it, but he felt like a 6-year old. He didn't need a babysitter to watch over him while he goes to the doctors. He could do it by himself. But he didn't feel like arguing, he felt like making his finger better. As they walked, other Gladers noticed the large amount of blood coming from Percy. A lot of them came over to see what had happened. And now, he felt famous, but for the wrong reason. Percy was embarrassed, and just kept walking. Right in their path, their was a deep and giant water puddle. Since he was embarrassed, he looked ahead and focused on the way. Winston and Newt didn't tell him because, frankly, they thought he had common sense.

When they came upon the giant water puddle, Percy tripped and fell over into the water. Newt and Winston scrambled to help him up, but he refused. "Just stay there for a minute" Percy asked.
"Suit yourself."
All the Gladers watched as the water turned red from blood, but then, the blood almost reversed, and went back into to the cut. They continued watching as a scab formed over the cut slowly, and when it was a full scab, it completely healed over, leaving his finger untouched. This happened in a matter of about 5 seconds, and everyone watched in amazement. He glanced up at Newt, who just stood there, wide eyed. "Holy...shucking...how in the world..."
was all Newt managed to get out. But he finally came back to his senses and helped Percy up. "What the bloody hell" Newt said, amazed. It was then that he noticed that all of his body was dry that he had landed in, and when he came out of the water, his shoes were dry too.
"Wow" Winston said. All the Gladers stared up at him in amazement.

Percy of the Maze (A Percy Jackson and Maze Runner crossover) [UNFINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now