Chapter 1

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A/N This is my first story, so im very sorry if it isnt that good. Anyways I hope you do like it.
And most likely cutting
Pls don't read if any of this is triggering and remember that all of you are beautiful!!

Louis POV

  I wake up to annoying sound of my alarm. Of course its Monday and i have to go to school. I shut off my alarm and get out if bed, making my way to the bathroom. After I'm done with my business, i turn on the shower and get in. Usually I would only spend, no more, than 15 minutes in the shower but today I was just to sore from the night before to get out just yet.
  Once i finally convince myself to get out of the shower and get dressed I make my way down stairs and into the kitchen. Of course my mom isn't awake and is most likely passed out on the couch like always. I get some toast and head out to school. Once I get to the bus stop I catch up with my friend Niall. Him being the little leprechaun he is, is already hyper and ready to go.  "Morning Niall!", I say to the Irish lad. "Morning Louis! How was your weekend?" Niall asks. I look down cause I'm to embarrassed. "Did it happen again? You shouldn't except this Lou and you know that." He looks down at me sympathetically. "I know but she's my mum and I can't just leave her. I know she cares for me, some where in that cold heart of hers." Niall just hugs me and we get onto the bus. I know my mom only beats me because my dad left, and took the girls with him.
   I know it's my fault. He didn't want a faggot in the family, but my mom was the only one to accept me, so he left. She started to drink again, then one  day when I got home she started hitting me. It's been a couple years since it has started, so I'm used to it by now. Niall is the only person I have told. He is the only person that cares about me, and stuck with me through all of the shit I have been through. He know every single one of my secrets, and sticks up for me when Zayn starts to bully me. I don't know what I would do without Niall and my mum, even if she does beat me, I still care for her.
  Once we get to the school, I make my way to my locker which is fortunately next to Niall's. As I'm walking through the partly crowded hallways, I see the familiar face of my bully. Right when I thought he wasn't going to see me, I feel someone push me against the wall. "Oh look who it is!! The little FAGGOT TOMLINSON!!" Zayn says. I can feel the bruise on my stomach from last night, hurting even more than it was from the pressure being put on it. I try to squirm away even though I know it's no use. Zayn is too strong to squirm away from. "Hey!! Leave him alone Malik!!" I hear Niall swear from a few feet away. "Why should I? The faggot deserves to be taught a lesson!!" Zayn shoits back. "Leave him alone or I'll brake your neck!! He doesn't need someone always messing with him! So just back the fuck off!!" Niall says, walking closer to Zayn. Right when Zayn is about to throw a punch straight for my face, the bell rings. "Your lucky I don't wanna be late for class, or else your ass would be lying on the ground right now." He says, as he drops me to the ground.
   Niall comes over to me to check if I'm alright. "It's okay Niall, just go to class so you won't be late." I say trying to shoo off Niall. "No!! You know how bad I wanna beat Malik's ass for what he does to you, right? He can't keep doing this! You already get enough from your mum, and then having to come here and get it from Zayn. It just isn't right..." He says, eyes getting glosses over. I pull him into a huge hug and just sit there while he cries. "Niall... Shhhh it's okay, I'm okay. I know what happens to me isn't right, but I can't change it. Please don't cry Niall you know I don't like when you cry." I say, my voice cracking at the end. "I know. I just hate that is has to happen to, out of all fucking people. Can we just head back to mine and skip today? I don't want to go to class with tear stained cheeks because I couldn't stand up for my friend." He says while wiping his tears away. "Yeah sure lets go. And you don't have to feel bad, it's not your fault Zayn is all tough and scary. Trust me I would try to stand up for myself if I wasn't so scared of him." I chuckle slightly, before picking up Niall and walking out of the school.
   Niall may know "all" of my secrets but I can't get myself to tell him my most important secret. The one that changed my life and I will forever be traumatized from it. Maybe someday I will be strong enough to just admit to him what happened and why I'm such a baby.

A/N So I hope the first chapter wasn't too bad. I was trying to just give you some background on what Louis' life is like everyday. Harry may be introduced in the next chapter... I'm not sure just quite yet!! Can I call YALL my lovelies? I think that's what I'm going to do. Okay well then BYE LOVELIES!!! <3
~ Emmy

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