Chapter sixteen

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I heard laughing and giggling from somewhere. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I followed the laughter and ended up in the kitchen. I saw Caroline laughing beside Lucy, who was holding a piping bag. "What're you guys doing? And what's the time?" I asked, walking up to them.

"It's 9am and we're baking!" Caroline cheered - not stuttering.

"Yerp!" Lu-chan replied, "We didn't have a flour fight like you and Natsu."

A frown replaced my smile when Lucy mentioned Natsu. Lucy put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry (Y/N). Natsu just...erm...I don't know how to explain this so..errm..ask Levy!"

"Why can't you just tell me or write it down?"

"I can't come up with good...errm..describing words..."

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "Fine. I'll go find her at the guild later."

"Oh, we'll come with you. Caroline needs to get a guild mark."

"Ooh! Yay! She can join the guild!"

"Y-Yeah. M-Master Mak-kar-rov s-said that I c-could j-join," Caroline said. '*sigh* Annd she's back to stuttering.'

We ate breakfast and a bit of dessert. "This is delicious, Lu-chan! I wish that I could cook desserts and food as good as you!" I yelled, then stuffed my face with food. Lucy giggled and thanked me. When I finished stuffing my face with food, I put my plate(s) in the sink. "We can wash that later," I said, "But before we leave, we must change clothes!"

"What about Caro-"

"Ooh! I forgot! Caroline, Wendy and Carla went shopping yesterday," I said, cutting Lucy's sentence. "Caroline just needs towels and hygiene stuff."

"Oh. I'll get them then," Lucy said then walked off to a storage closet.

She returned carrying a light violet towel with a matching face towel, a bar of soap and grape scented shampoo.

"Here," Lucy said, handing the clothes to Caroline.

"Th-Thanks, Lu-ch-chan," Caroling said, bowing.

Lucy smiled at her, "You're welcome."

Caroline grabbed the hygiene stuff then went to the bathroom. Lucy and I went to our own rooms and got changed.

I chose a blue skater dress, blue converse and a matching blue bow for my hair. I put my (H/C) hair into ponytail, then placed the blue bow on the (left/right) side of my head. Once I was finished, I exited my room and went to the lounge area, waiting for Caroline and Lucy. I waited and waited and waited. I looked at the clock. 9:30am. "When are they gonna be done?" I groaned. Just as I said that, Caroline came out of the bathroom. She was wearing a yellow dress with a white belt. A sunflower was attached to the right side of the belt. "Finally! Someone's finished! You took like 15 minutes, but that's fine."

"I-I'm sorry. N-Next time I'll take shorter t-time," she said.

"Nahh, it's alright. I have to wait like 20 minutes to use the bathroom whenever Lucy is in there."

"O-Oh. Well, th-thanks for let-ting me use the b-bathroom, (Y/-N)-ch-chan."

I smiled at her, "You're welcome."

Caroline sat on the couch beside me.

We waited for about 5 minutes and then Lucy came. She was in her usual guild attire. A white and blue top, a blue skirt and brown boots. "C'mon. Let's go," I said, walking to the front door. Caroline followed behind me as Lucy locked the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2015 ⏰

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