Chapter 3

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 Alone in the cell, I awaited for the young man. There was the occasional few guard, in there to make sure that I don't attempt to run, or to provide some lunch when it was about time to eat. All I did the whole time waiting was think, eat, and sleep. It's hard to regret doing something when it hasn't begun yet, and this was too similar to cycles before.

A week passed before anything beyond my usual schedule happened. They opened the door like usual, but rather than come in here and pop their head in and just leave, they opened the gate to the cell next to mine. Of course that one has a gate, seems only fair that they have a potential for escape.

They pushed in someone, a black sack fitted over his head. His hands tied behind his back, he was shoved onto the bed and left there to get his own way out. They locked the gate behind them and left with a bang of the metal door. Too far away to see my reflection, I turned my attention to the young man. Or what I assumed was the young man.

"They gone?" His voice came from under the sack after what felt like an eternity of just staring at him.

"Yea," I answer, sitting on my own bed opposite his. Metal bars separated us, so I couldn't undo his knots.

He shook the sack right off his head, messy black hair sticking out from the static underneath. He got out of his bed and walked over to the bars, turning his back towards me and wiggling his fingers. "Don't suppose you know how to untie these?"

I struggled with the ropes for a few minutes before they fell to the floor. He turned around and cracked his knuckles, then his neck.

"Why they insist on tying me up every time we go through this, I don't know. Well, nice to meet you, I'm Soulbane, but everyone just calls me Soul."

He extended his hand towards me, which I grabbed. I noticed the dirt caked under his nails, the bags under his eyes. I didn't want to mention anything, but he looked like he needed a bath and a good nap.

"Oceana. You've been through this before?"

He sat on his bed, pulling his legs up with him. His smile faded as he looked down at his lap. "More than I would of liked. I'm sorry you got pulled into this. I don't know what he wants, or why he think's he'll find it in you. You're not what he's looking for."

"What is he looking for?"

"Don't know."

He looked up at me, and I held back a gasp. His eyes were a shining purple, deep and rich. They were the brightest thing about him, though. His suit, missing his tie and a sleeve, didn't seem to fit with being stuck in here. He didn't wear shoes either, just his bare feet. Thankfully, there wasn't an ingrown nail or anything.

"What made you accept?" He asked, lying down and staring at the ceiling now. I hadn't noticed his movement, as I was too caught up in staring at his feet.

"My friend Louis-"

"Louis?" Soul asked. "As in the one that used to work in the coffee shop on thirty-third?" He sounded a little worried, more so than he did when he mentioned the fact I may not be the one needed.

"Still works there. He's about to get engaged to Michael." I added. "Why? What's wrong?"

"You might be the one they need after all..." he whispered, closing his eyes. "Lets hope that there was another Louis working there when I went there last."

"What's wrong with Louis?" I asked, gripping the bars.

"Nothing's wrong with Louis, sweetheart. What's wrong is what he is."

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