One Piece: Aokiji vs. Akainu

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Day 1

On a ship at sea. 

The bow

Sengoku: And you're sure I cannot talk you out of this?

Aokiji: Positive. This needs to be done. I'm thankful for everything you did on my behalf to get me this far. But now it's time I stand on my own, against what I consider tyranny, and fight for what I believe is right. 

Sengoku: You know, normally I'd say you're crazy and stupid for even thinking of this kind of thing...

Aokiji: And I'd say you're absolutely right.

Sengoku: But the world is changing, and I only had to resign to realize this, but so are wrong and right. You know, the thing called justice changes its shape, depending on where you stand. It really does

Aokiji: And justice that comes from humanity...must never perish.

The stern

Kong: And you're really going to go through with this?

Akainu: Absolutely. I must do this for the good of the world. I must say though, that I appreciate everything you did on my behalf. I guess you and Sengoku both have good connections if it's come to this. My compliments to whoever chose this island. It's perfect.

Kong: You know you're crazy for going through with this.

Sakazuki: Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. All I know is I must eliminate every possibility of this weakness existing.

Soldier: Commander-in-Chief Kong and Admiral Akainu, sirs! We have Punk Hazard in our sights and are expected to arrive there in 30 minutes. We have alerted Admiral Aokiji and General Inspector Sengoku to this as well.

Kong: Thank you soldier, dismissed. 

The island

Kong (in the bridge): Bring the ship alongside there and await further instructions.

5 minutes later

Soldier: Sir, we are docked and awaiting your orders!

Kong: Take 5, I'll be right back.

Sengoku: Sakazuki, Here's where you get off. Do me a favor, keep the gate intact.

Akainu (jumping off the deck): Aye aye, captain.

Kong: And take this.

He tosses him a small cylinder, about the size of a soda or soup can.

Sakazuki: What's this for?

Kong: If you happen to live through this little brawl, twist it and then pull. I got one for you too, Kuzan. Same instructions.

Aokiji: Let's go.

Akainu (walking toward the gate): See you inside, chum.

The ship goes around to the other side of the island.

Aokiji (jumping down and walking away): This is where I leave you.

Kong: Alright maggots, turn this tub around and set a course for Marine HQ.

Sengoku: So how will we know when to get them?

Kong: I told Admiral Kizaru and Vice Admiral Vergo of G-5 to keep a set of eyes on the island at all times and to look for a signal, with specific instructions for what to do based on what signal they see.

Sengoku (smiles): At least one good thing will come of this.

Kong: What's that?

Sengoku: Those kids at the bases are about to get a free show.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2013 ⏰

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