Dear Best Friend II

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Your eyes glaze over as you listen to that song. Her song. Her favorite song. Yours, too, for a while, although you never told her that because she would have thought you were just saying that to copy her. For your birthday, your mom took the two of you to see that band in concert, where they performed that song. You recorded it and she cried. After that concert you spent the night at her house because school was cancelled after the snow. Snow, in March, in Oklahoma. But that song. Sad, for more than one reason. It was her song, and it was about this girl who was killed by her boyfriend (or so we had speculated). You reach for the skip button, but you can't do it. You just can't skip her song.
She had been your best friend. One of your only friends. You shared a love of McCafe's Caramel Frappes and Dr. Pepper. So many things brought you together, but in the end, it was just her who tore you apart. School was out for the summer; you were sure you would see her at least once before school started back and you both started high school. You texted her a lot, but she seldom answered. Not unlike her; in fact, she hardly answered you at all. But July 7th, it changed. She texted you. You were cleaning in a Colorado children's home when your phone lit up. You almost ignored it, but you reached for it anyway. You were happy to see her name on your screen and quickly opened the text. "Hey, uh, I think it's in the best interest if we aren't friends anymore" You're stunned. You sit on the floor and cry. No one can hear your sobs over the roar of the old vacuum that you hadn't bothered to turn off. Finally, you stand, unplug the vacuum and walk over to another girl in the room and silently show her the text. You break down and she awkwardly hugs you. The other girls in the room try to comfort you, but you are absolutely inconsolable. After they've left, you shakily pick up your phone and type a reply. "Why?" So many things running through your mind and all you can ask is why. She never answers you, she just dodges the question. To this day you still don't know why.
Orientation day is the first time you see her since she ended your friendship. You're standing by yourself in the crowded cafeteria when she walks in. You thought you were ready for this, but you're not. You're not ever going to be ready. A small cry escapes your lips and you can't stop crying for the rest of the day. She avoids eye contact, unsurprisingly. You try to talk to people you recognize but no one wants to interact with the tearful mess that you are. You honestly can't blame them. You're so thankful when it's finally time to go home.
It's now the second nine weeks of school. She's in two of your classes, your two least favorite. Everything about her makes you miss her. You still defend her. In the words of Coldplay, "For you, I'd bleed myself dry." But she doesn't care. She doesn't care about your sentiments, she doesn't care about your pain. But you'll never stop caring about her. You'll never stop remembering her in everything you see. And you'll never, never forget the poem she wrote you, the poem that made you cry in class, and yet, the poem that made you so unbelievably happy.

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