Chapter 1 the beginning

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Aphmau: hey Garroth weres Laurence?

Garroth: I don't know he said he would patrol the wall.

Laurence: *runs up* Aphmau there's these creature by the wall and there's people fighting them off there is a guy with a amulet and he has a machinism. And there's another one who is all purple.(Barney isn't going to die I can't cry again inside so yah Barney love you dirt jk)

Garroth: Aphmau lets go.

Aphmau: uhh......I think I know what the creatures are and the people. You guys kill the creatures don't let them scratch you or bite cause then you will well.....turn/die.

Garroth: o...Kay

Laurence: o.........Kay


Sky: Barney there's to many we aren't going to survive

Barney: goat we could still live.

Aphmau: Sky Barney I got yah.

Sky: Jess thank god your here.

Barney: j...ess your za here (sorry guys I don't know how to type how Barney talks so I'll just go to normal talks)

Garroth: Aphmau I got this side.

Laurence: lord Aphmau this side is clear. And why are these guys calling you Jess? You better not be hitting on my love!

Aphmau/Jess: I'm not your love you cassanova open the gates and let me and them in and close right after there in and don't let anyone else until I see them k. K.

Sky: hey Jess can I ask you something what is this place? And who are they?

Aphmau/Jess: Ris is my village I'm the lord of it and them they are my guards the one who calls me "his love" is a cassanova named Laurence the other one is Garroth *she blushes*

Sky: ^whisperes^ oooo you like him. Hey so your a lord here at least we now we're you went!

Aphmau/Jess: yah sorry about that. Hey did you catch Ross he almost killed Barney into a zombie?!?!

Ghetto: no!

Aphmau/Jess: well at least we found you where were you ghetto?

Ghetto: I was with Jin. He found something to slow done the process of me well.....I don't want to say it around those guys*points to Garroth and Laurence noting there listening*

Garroth: hey lord Aphmau what were those things?

Levin: mom why are you shaking?

Sky: wait you have a kid. Let me guess Garroth?

Aphmau/Jess: no he was left at my front door *she blushes when she here's Garroth's name*

Garroth: lord Aphmau you blushed when he said my name. *he blushes* *blushes dark red*

Levin: mom and Garrothsitting in a tree k.i.s.s.i.n.g.(levin is all grown up too)

Aphmau/Jess:*blushes more*

Laurence: Coke one levin lets go see if Kyle and Alexis are awake and ready for patrol.

Levin: sure we got to watch out for Zane!

Sky: mine if I ask but who is Zane?

Garroth: uh lord Aphmau can you tell him I can't tell them I promised I would never say my brothers name.

Aphmau/Jess: you know Garroth you can call me Jess. And sure. Zane is Garroth's brother and Zane turned one of our peoples child into a shadow knight. A shadow knight is a person who dies and looses there memory and become corrupted and works for the shadow lord we lost one of our former guards and Laurence became one but he though of me and kept him sane*thinks about that for a minute*

Sky: Jess?

Jess: oh sorry was thinking. Any way he came back and his wyvern saved his life ant took his own. Zane turn Alexis to one but we saved her by stopping him and taking the necklace he gave her off. He is not welcomed here.

Sky: oh so he is just like Ross

Jess: yah but no as worse

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