Chapter 9

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Germany's P.O.V

I had been here for hours trying to get the truth out of America, he was hiding something.

"I will bring your brother into this"

"No! You can't!" He protested struggling against the chains.

"Tell me then" I said giving him one last chance to come clean.

"No." I just nodded getting a phone from the desk, before I called I gagged him so he wouldn't make noise. After a few tones Arthur picked up the phone.


"Hallo, Arthur. America got drunk again and wandered to my place, vould you be so kind as to come get him"

"I'll be there in ten" I watched out the window upstairs, as soon as England came I let him in leading him towards the basement. He walks in front of me, but before we reached the hallway I grabbed him by the pressure point in his neck. He tried to struggle out of my grip, but he wasn't going anywhere. I made him walk down the stairs, as soon as he saw America tied up he began fighting again, trying to get to America. I push England into a chair.

"Now America, do you believe me" He nods.

"Are you going to tell me?" He shakes his head no. I make a tsk noise as I take the dagger and cut England's face just enough to make the blood run. America begins to struggle and shake his head yes. I un-gag him.

"We were going to use Japan."

"How?!" I ask loudly.

"I was going to make him betray you and your pathetic wife that way we win the war. I know he loves me." Hearing that they would so easily do this to Kiku enraged me. I took the knife and stabbed America right in the stomach.

"That's sick" I said twisting the knife "And my husband and I will kick your sorry ass regardless."

"How about we use France against England because ve can?" I asked sarcastically. As I was paying attention to America, Italy had some how wandered downstairs. England who wasn't tied down jumped up, grabbing Italy's throat. I could hear Italy gasp for air. England whispered something in Latin, Italy started to fall to the ground as white as sheet. Before his head hit the floor I was able to catch him.

"YOU'VE KILLED HIM!!" I screamed at England, setting Italy down I lunge for England, taking him to the ground and beating the crap out of him. Then I reached up and grabbed the knife, stabbing England over and over again in the heart. America screamed as the blood flew, splattering all of us, except Italy. I couldn't stop, I just kept stabbing England, not satisfied with how mangled he was already. I knew he was dead, but my anger was too much.

The blood ran dark...

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