Chapter 1:The Start

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                   Before the story began............... 

              The cab drew to the train station and a beautiful woman stepped out of it  giving the fare to the cab driver.She posed her bag over her shoulder and started to walk in a hurry towards the train station.She was familiar with the station and was almost hiding herself so that nobody could spot her but she was no good at this.

                A young girl saw her and recognised her in a second,"Oh my god!! its J K Rowling,the author of Harry Potter series",she said running to the her"Mam,just one autograph,please.I am a huge fan",saying she handed a story book,the 5th part in the series:Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire.Jonathe quickly signed while the girl continued,"Mam,may I ask were do you get your ídeas from?"."From my travels",came the answer from a hurried voice.

                Jonathe handed the book back and continued walking before the girl could ask another question.She was really lucky today as their were fewer people seen on the station.She sat on a nearby bench for her train to arrive.She could see a group of 4 teenagers looking at her,2 boys 2 girls.Only if they would not recognise her,she thought to herself.She tied her scarf over her neck to make her unrecognisable.

         She could nostalgically remember her sitting on the same bench a few years back when she was travelling to London with her boyfriend but who unfortunately couldn't come with her because of his work.She still remembers that train travel which changed her life forever:

                She in her younger self of almost 5 years ago sat there on the same bench holding her diary,angry over her boyfriend for not coming with her.There were people crowded on that station on that day.She saw a young man holding an old man's bag and waiting for the train to arrive so that he could quickly start his journey.

                   An old woman sitting at the next bench farther to her right.She looked down at her diary and saw blank pages.She didn't had any ideas about what to write,her mind howering over a horror and a love story but still not getting enough ideas on the topic.

                   Just then there came a loud whistle of the train announcing its arrival.She saw as the old train stopped with a whistle like voice and fumes of gases flying at its head.The gate in her front opened to show a fair young man with muscles and a half beard.

                     He stretched his hand to take her bag and she passed it on to him,letting him show her the compartment were she would sit.All the compartment's were full except the last one to the left.The porter opened the compartment and kept her bag over to shelf. As she went in,she noticed the compartment A D.

                       Weird,she thought as all the other compartments had the nos like 1,2,3,etc,but she didn't think about it twice.She tipped the porter for his work and sat down near the window.She saw the boy whom she had seen holding an old man's bag help the old woman in.She thought that they wouldn't find places as all the places were already full so she got up and opened the compartment door seeing the old woman passing by her with the boy but didn't even noticing her.

                        "Hey,boy"she called after them.No Response.'Must be def'she thought to herself.She was about to hold them and then tell them but the next compartment took them in.She went in and sat down as the train gave a jerk and started to move forwards.

                           She took out her diary scribbling about something or the other in it.The train had started to move fast now,she could hear the increased noise.Her compartment door slid open and in came a sweet voice,"If you would allow,may I fill the vacant place opposite you?".She looked outside and in came a old looking man with a long beard in his half-spectacles wearing a gown like dress.

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