Pretty Fingers

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Fingers drum on the waiting room arm chair arms. Blood stains mottling white t-shirts, Ripped skinny jeans and bangages.
The lights glear obnoxiously, reflecting bright and dazzling off of the white was walls. The migrane in my head grows and hinders my vision, ears ringing and eyes sore, I flutter them shut to try and find some painless refuge, only to be met with grafict images of bloody injuries and firey clashes. Just stupid idea, a stupid idea that lead to his life falling on the line. What the fuck was I thinking.
The crash happened in slow motion, my mind struggling to keep up with the various occurances that happened so quickly. One moment it was a silent drive home, an anger fuelled drive home after a catastrophic argument in a silly restaurant. One step to far on the accelerator and it all went wrong. The car jumbled and tumbled and colided with God only knows what. All I can see is his face, the pure horror etched into his features as the windscreen shattered. My happy virus plagud by terror. My park chanyeol scared to death.
That a happened 5 hours 35 minutes and 23...24....25 seconds ago. The clock stuttered along and I felt as though I had sat through a thousand forevers before the nurse had said I could see him. Part of me didn't want to. Part of me wanted to leave and never see his face again. Part of me was afraid he would hate me forever. But apparently that part of me wasn't my legs as the carried me cautiously towards the hospital room my best friend and love of my life lay in.

A million thoughts rushed through my head at what he could look like, what condition he was in....I fear the worst. Stumbling through the doors, my fear lifted. Breathing a sigh of relief my eyes fell on the giddy boy sat before me eating jello like a four year old.
I shuffled in the shadows, but when he noticed me I backed away. He dropped head to the side, recoiling in pain as his cheek rested on his neck brace. I got off with a wheel hair and a head bandage and here he is. Neck brace and bed ridden. His face dropped when he saw the look in my eyes. He was saddend not because I thought he was angry, no it was....almost as if he knew something I didn't. It wasnt till I watched him break down in tears that I knew something was up. I turned to see the nurse right behind me talking but I didn't hear a word, no just muffled noises and my own heart raising, I turned back to chanyeol and he knew I had figured it.
He knew by the tears from my eyes and uncontrolled gut wrenching sobs. I couldn't hear how loud I was, and I didn't stop tll I felt his gentle hand fall on my cheek and I watched as he mouthed the words.
"Everything is going to be alright"
He hooked his pinky with mine, he always used it to seal our deals, he like how pretty my hands where. I guess my hands will be seen a lot more now. My pretty hands...
He raised my head again and mouthed one last world before I colided with his chest .
I guess my hands will be seen a lot more now. My pretty pretty hands....

Pretty Fingers (baekyeol)(boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now