My Dreams

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Chapter 1

(Fabiola P.O.V.)

I found myself drooling on my hand again. Ew, I hated when I did that. But it was only for one reason. Because I was staring at Molly. I know the name "Molly" sounds like a girls name. But it's not... (In my situation) It's a boy, you might've guessed. What's his REAL name, you might ask? Well, that's not important. Right now, let's just call him Molly.

So, I've been liking this guy, for like... EVER! It's not like he likes me anyway. I'm just an ordinary girl who has dreams. I've talked to him over messaging and Facebook and stuff. But never in person. No! I don't have the nerve. He's just so...UGH! I can't describe him. Beautiful... I guess. :)

I'm in class, listening to this boring teacher. Molly is literally right across from me. I can't help, but stare. A dance is coming up, and I'm just praying he'll ask me! But from the way things look, it seems he's gonna ask Amber.

Amber sits next to him in almost ALL our periods together. It's stinks cuz she isn't ugly either. I just watch as they laugh and have a good time. I wish that was me.

The bell rang, and I left. I thought I felt something fall out my binder, but continued walking. Molly was right behind me and I wasn't about to bend down and pick it up, blocking his way.

"Hey... Fabiola," Molly said, holding up my I.D.

Oh no! I hated that picture. It was the worst! My hair was a mess and I was about to sneeze, too. He was looking at it! Oh my gosh! Im gonna DIE!!!I took it out of his hand.

"Thanks." I said, not looking at his face.

"You look cute in that picture. I like it." He said, grinning.

My heart was pounding 2 times faster than before. Did he really just say that? He thinks I'm cute? Especially in that ugly picture. Omg! What do I say?

"Really?" I asked, looking at it.

"Yea, you're eyes just sparkle. They're beautiful." He replied.

Oh my God! This is a dream. Someone just PINCH me already. This is too good to be true. The cutest guy in school thinking I'm attractive? Yea, that's overwhelming. I walked away smiling real big.

I was headed for the snack line to buy my Cheez-Its. Man, am I in love with those things! And guess who was behind me! Yup, Molly! I felt like I was being followed. I don't mind if it's him, of course. But if it was some stranger, oh heck no! I feel him close, a little too close. But oh well.

"What would you like?" asked the lady.

"Cheez-Its." I said.

"75 cents," she answered.

I was getting the quarters out of my pocket. Of course, there goes clumsy me dropping my quarter. It rolled by the trash. Molly watched as it happened. I went to check if it was there, but it wasn't. I checked around it, but I had no luck. I lost my quarter! And the worst part is, no Cheez-Its for me! I sighed and went to tell the lady never mind.

"Wait," Molly said. " You need a quarter?"

"Yea, but it's okay," I replied. "I'll just wait to get money tomorrow."

"No," he said, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a quarter. "Here." He handed it to me.

"Oh... Thanks." I said. How sweet! He gave me money. I know it was only a quarter, but come on. That means A LOT to me. I got my Cheez-Its and left.

"I'll pay you back tomorrow." I told Molly, smiling.

"Don't worry about it," He said. "My treat." He winked. Boy, did he have the cutest wink. Do I sound obsessed? Hopefully not. It's just that this crush isn't just "ordinary." I don't know how to say it, but I've never felt this way about a guy before.

(Molly's P.O.V.)

Now, should I get two Hot Cheetos or a Gatorade? Ugh! Why are decisions so hard to make!? I'll just get the Gatorade. I paid for it and left.

I sat on the table where all my friends were at.

"What was that all about?" One of them asked, smirking.

"What?" I said, with a confused face.

"Don't acted stupid!" He said. "I saw you and Fabiola flirting like never before! We all saw!"

I choked on my Gatorade.

"Wait... What?" I said, coughing.

"Come on Romeo! Go to Juliet! Just admit you like her already!" They argued.

They were all acting like jerks! Don't take me the wrong way. Fabiola is a nice girl and everything, but she's like my sister. That's the way I see it.

"Shut up!" I yelled. They just laughed.


(Still Molly's P.O.V.)

I'm gonna lay down for a bit. I'm tired. I lay in my bed.

My phone buzzed. It was a bunch of e-mails. I'll save that for later. I grabbed my phone, and just looked through it. I found out that Fabiola was in my Favorites when I saw the star next to her name. I decided to text her.

(Fabiola's P.O.V.)

I was humming a song while I was reading a magazine. Then my phone vibrated. It was Molly.


Molly❤: Hey😄

Me: Hi☺

Molly❤: Can I ask you something?😁

Me: You can ask my anything.

Molly❤: Good. 😊 Well...what do you think of me?

Was he seriously asking me this?


Me: You're cool 😎 and funny😂.

Molly❤: I mean like, ME! Boyfriend or Brother?😕

I can't explain to you how much I wanted to say boyfriend.


Me: Well, you're like a brother.

Molly❤: Thank you! 😄

Me: Umm... You're welcome?😐

Molly❤: I've been trying to tell the guys that me & you are like bro and sis. They didn't listen to me tho...😋

Me: Oh ok. So I Imma go. Gotta catch up on my magazine. 😉

Molly❤: Before you go, wanna hang out tomorrow at snack? Just the two of us. You know? Bro? Sis? That kind of thing. 😀

Me: I'd like that. So see you at snack?😜

Molly❤: Yea. 😌

Me: K, then. Bye😘

Molly❤: Bye😙

Omg. I'm hanging out with him tomorrow. Forget the uniform. I gotta look nice!


(Still Fabiola's P.O.V.)

Where is he? I just left 2nd period and I can't find Molly. Ugh! I hate waiting, especially when I'm excited about something.

"Hey." He was behind me.

"Omg. You scared me!" I shrieked. I didn't mean to. But when someone jumps out on you from no where, how do you expect not to get scared?

"So..." He said. We stood there unsure of what to do.

"Let's go to the field. Yea?" I suggested.

"Ok." He agreed. We walked and entered the field.

What was I getting myself into!?


Author's Note:

Well, this is my second story. Sorry it was short. Please comment tho. I'll write more! :)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2013 ⏰

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