Ben's Dream

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Riley is at Ben's apartment. Finding info of the story. Even though they both know what's about. As they research. Its gets a little personal.

Chapter 2.

"Hey Ben, look I found the story for us to review in Judges chapter 7." Riley shouts back at Ben due to that he's in the bathroom. " Great, hold on I'll be there in a minute Rie, just wait." Ben shouts back. As he exits the bathroom after the flush. Riley can see something's wrong with Ben. Like that he is unsure or unaware of the situation. " Ben are you still thinking about Abigail?" Riley asks " Sorry, yea its just... Kinda uh.... Complicated right now." Ben replys as he sits on the histoirc heritage sofa he purcahsed 12 years ago when he and riley we in graduate school. Ben and Riley were in the same tech class. But Ben was in the American History course. The advanced one that no one took. Due to the challenges it brought. After that they rember after the year graduationg that they wrre search for the Knights Templar. When he and Abigal fell in love. Then broke up. The went back together again in the hunt for Cibola. But now its just a mess of torn pieces and the worst part Abigal's moving to another country Israel. Where the story the are reviewing. Is the location where it came to life. " Hey Ben, you're gonna get through this there are other chicks that are gonna fall for you. Hey who knows?" Riley reasures him " So lets take a look, the Bible says that in the story that Deliah cut Samson's hair. Period. Huh?..., Oh wait, wait my bad. It was with a dagger. I wasn't reading correctly." Riley responds a little embarrassed. Ben chuckles at Riley since since Riley sometimes reads to fast and how he does it Ot humorous. Then Bens phone rings with the song "Brother" from NeedtoBreathe. The only reason why its cause Gavin DeGraw was in it. It was Ben's favorite country singer."Hello, who is this?" Ben greets "Oh hello, Benjamin Franklin Gates is that right?" "Yes" Ben responds
"Great Mrs. Arlington would like you to be here at the Smithsonian tomorrow at 12.00. And bring your friend Rliey too. We will need you too both to find the dagger of Deliah. By the way the name is Haley Matterson. Have a nice Day" Haley replies. "You too." Ben answers the same thinking" Looks like this treasure is unusual as before.

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