2. Jealous

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~2 Weeks later~
what a gorgeous day it is. The sun feels so good today. Maybe I'll go for a run later. I've been doing good with my running lately. My eating habits haven't changed though. Oops. I just can't deny food. It's everyone's weakness. Don't judge.
I guess I can stop at Starbucks on the way out.
I can't believe I'm up this early. Usually when I'm on vacation I don't wake up until almost 1pm. Like I said before today's a beautiful day so why spend it inside. I don't have class until 8pm so I have a lot of time on my hands.

I finish my morning routine then grab my keys and purse and I'm out the door. I start my car up and my favorite song is on. I turn it up and cruise down the street. I make it to Starbucks in 10 minutes. That's a new record because usually it takes 20 or more minutes.

I feel like sitting in today. Before getting out I grab a book from the backseat. I walk in and it's not as packed like usual. I order my usual mocha frappé with extra whip cream.

I take my sink and sit at a table by the window near the middle of the of the place.
I sip and read, sip and read.
10 minutes and half a cup later I hear a chair being pulled out. I peek up from my book and see a guy sitting across from me.  I go back to my book ignoring him.
"Just beautiful" I hear him whisper. I look up for a moment with a raised eyebrow.
"The day. It's beautiful."
I give an oh look and go back to my book.
"You're also beautiful."
Thanks I say without looking up from my book.
"I've seen you here before but you usually leave."
Ugh conversation with a complete stranger. I just ignore him and continue reading. He's annoying and I'm too shy to tell him to go away.

"So do you have a boyfriend?"
Wow he's really straight forward.
I look up and just stare at him.
"I'll take that as a no then."
He gets up and pulls his chair by me. My eyes go wide and I scoot away from him. He comes even closer and wraps his arm around me.
Just then the door opens and of course it's the last person on earth I want to see.
Our eyes connect as soon as he walks in. He's with a woman I'm guessing is his girlfriend or something. His eyes go from me to the guy next to me. His smile falls and my eyebrows scrunch in confusion. I give a small smile but his frown stays in place.
The lady he's with pulls him along and they sit 4 tables away. He sits so that he's facing me. I start squirming in this strangers hold.
Um I need to go.
"I don't want you to yet."
I slide my chair back and stand. I try to walk around his chair but he pulls me back down. I end up on his lap with his arms around my waist.
Let me go I whisper to him. He just ignores me and his hands grip on my thighs. I want to scream but then all eyes would be on me and I hate attention. I try to get up once more and his grip tightens. His nails are digging into my skin.
Stop you're hurting me.
"I know you like it rough."
He looks dead into my eyes.
My eyes widen again as I realized what he was referring to. He sees this and  smirks. "So you're fresh meat then huh?"
I ignore him and struggle in his lap but stop once I feel something poking my butt.
"Why don't you let her go buddy."
I look up to see Mr.Diaz with a angry look on his face.
"Mind your business. Me and my girl are having a talk."
"It looks like she doesn't like you. Let go of her."
I pull one last time and I'm free of his lap.
Thanks. I say to Mr. Diaz as I speed walk out the door. I looked back and the two of them were now yelling. By the time I came back from my thoughts I was already home. I could only think about how scary that was.

Noah Diaz
She's late. Class has already started and I'm getting worried. She's never been late before. I keep on with my lecture and look at the door every few seconds.

Finally she walks in and I can breathe again. She takes her seat and starts taking notes quickly. She looks like she just woke up but in a cute way. Her hair is in a messy ponytail and she has on a track suit. My eyes keep traveling up and down her body. Even when she catches me I don't stop looking and wink at her. Her gaze goes to her lap.

Ok class it's time for a group project. I hear groans and laugh a little to myself because even though everyone in this room is olde than 25 they still hate group projects. They should have known this was coming. It is a psychology class.

You can pick your own partners. The most you can have in a group is 5.

I turn back to my desk to grab the syllabus. I turn back and start handing the papers out. All the women would either giggle or try to rub their arms against my legs. One of them even tried to grab my crotch. I just shake my head and keep moving.

I get to Janae's group and get annoyed. She's surrounded by 4 guys. All of them are staring at her like a piece of meat. I clear my throat and everyone looks at me except Janae. I make sure to give her a paper last.

I go back to my desk and let them work on their projects. Soon class is over and everyone begins to pack up. Janae and some guy are the last to leave. They walk out laughing together. I overhear that they are going on a date this weekend. I'm filled with rage yet again. How dare she go on a date with another man. She's mine.
I need to let some of this anger out. I know just how to do it.
I pull out my phone and call the only person who knows exactly what I want.
After the second ring she picks up.
I start speaking before she even says hello.
Leana my house now and you better be ready when I get there.
I hang up before she even responds. I collect my things and I'm on my way home with Janae still on my mind. I really have it bad for her and it hasn't even been a month. I just hope my past doesn't come back to bite me in the ass.


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