Part one

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The room was busy with voices and clattering dishes. A light haze of smoke from the bar drifted threw the open space filled with people. The room was quite dull in light the wall fixtures still set on low as the sun had not yet set entirely and a bright beam shown through the windows, the last evidence of daylight. Just across the large room was a short hallway with white carpets leading into the open lobby. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling every so often casting a kaleidoscope effect of sparkle threw the space. The most prominent of groups sat a large table stood in the corner closest to the bar, draped in a white table cloth flowing to the dark hard wood floors. A tall slender built women sat with her back towards the hall and the rest of the people surrounding them. Her blonde hair tossed loosely in curls around her face and lightly draped down her exposed back. She wore a black long sleeved blouse that hugged her small frame. The open back draping down to a tight grip on her hips to meet with her formfitting white slacks. Her legs where crossed at the ankle showing off her whit lace open-toed heals. a cream denim like material accenting the heal and vamp where they laced with white laces across her bridge. Flexing her hips back in the chair her back was arced as she rested her elbows on the table talking with the rest of her group. After a few minutes of chatter, fashionably late as usual, a tall man with silver dashed hair stood in the doorway of the hall leading into the seating room. His casual black sport coat tossed over a white button up left undone at the collar with a pair of dark worn jeans and black laced dress shoes. He scanned the room with his hands tucked in his pockets until he caught sight of the familiar woman with her back to him. Her figure was unmistakable along with her flowing champagne curls. A smirk broke across his face seeing her he loved nothing more then watching her, so natural and unaware. He heard her giggle from across the room, her oh so recognizable chuckle, one high pinched huff of air, and he shook his head at how well she could make him tingle for her after all this time. Stepping around people me made his way across the room to her. When he reached the table he stood behind her watching the way her hips pushed into the chair arcing her back and flexing her muscles in his view from her open blouse. He placed one hand on the lowest part of her exposed back, almost tickling her with his fingertips, and leaned down to breath hot air on her neck.

His low voice almost a growl in his throat made her jump as he whispered in her ear kissing just below her earlobe at the same time. "Hey baby."

She smiled feeling his warm lips on her skin. Turning to look up at him she smirked pouting her scarlet lips just slightly. She stood from her chair to great him his cologne catching her off guard and making her weak in the knees.

"I was about to give up on you." She pouted her voice a soft whisper as he placed his hand on her lower back once again pulling her closer to him, her four inch heals putting her at just about his same height.

"Im glad you didn't." Leaning down to her lips he placed a soft passionate kiss on them. "I've missed you today." Her hands rested on his chest steadying herself against him. Releasing her lips from his, he lightly tickled her back under his fingertips.

"I like this blouse." He whispered next to her ear referring to the large amount of skin it was revealing to him. She let a soft chuckle escape her lips just like the one he had heard earlier.

"You would wouldn't you."

Kissing her on the cheek once more he directed her back to her chair. He helped her into it and then sat next to her in the empty chair to her left. They sat discussing the earlier events of the evening amongst themselves until a rather loud voice broke the conversation.

"Well Daniel we were about to assume you weren't coming." Kathy remarked from the other side of the table.

"Just a little late ma'am, I apologize for the inconvenience." he retorted making her laugh at his sarcasm and whit.

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