Chapter 2- Shit Happens

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2 hours earlier

Ethaniel P.O.V

I'm cold, I'm starving, I'm Lost, I'm scared...

This is the longest I've been with out food and I'm getting desperate.

I don't know why I fight off death anymore...

I should let it consume me...

I should welcome it...

But I won't. I never do. I'm too Damn stubborn.

While I'm drowning in self pity, I'm walking through the housing district. I have to pass through in order to get to shelter in the industrial district. This always happens. I see the perfect houses with the perfect families and perfect lives.

I always find the best scrapes here. They don't know how good they have it. They throw away perfectly good food. I've never had the opportunity to throw away food. I wonder what it's like. Not to worry if the one piece of crust will be your last. I've never had the pleasure.

While I'm walking through I talk the long way to drop by my favorite bakery. The man who owns it always leaves old food by the back door for me. He only leaves it there until he locks up for the day so I need to get there soon.

I walk down the back alley toward the back door. I can hear raised voices, which is odd because it's usually deserted. I turn the last corner and am met with a horrible site. Just past the door there are three local thugs. But that's not what has me throwing up the last of my stomach content. Laying on the ground at their feet is the owner of the bakery.

I feel a tear run down my cheek. I hadn't realized I was crying. But the only person in my life since my parents died that has shown me kindness is dead. A person who deserves nothing but respect is lying in a dirty alley at the feet of cowards. I don't have time to mourn him. I need to get out of here before I'm discovered. I turn to leave when I notice that the bag of food is still by the door. The thugs still have their backs to me and I'm closer to the bag. If I can just reach a little f.....

Suddenly I'm grabbed and slung to the other side of the alley.

"Well, well, well", the thug with a scar running from one side of his face to the other says." Aren't you a little cute thing".

I'm still trying to recover from being slung. " Please, I don't care about your business I just want the food. Please."

"Well I don't see why not... Here" the same thug grabs the bag and hands it to me. The other two are still by the body and one is on the phone. Both have smirks on their faces. "Well take it come on". He says when I hesitate.

I slowly reach for the bag. As soon as my finger tip touch it, it's thrown against the wall. "Awww did you actually think I would let you walk away. You really can't be that innocent." I don't answer him. He can't blame me though I'm blinded by hunger.

"Please just let me go"

"No can do"

He turns around and tells the other two to get the car and the body. I see my chance and run. I hear all three shouting after me but I'm not stupid. I have a chance to survive a little longer and I'm going to take it...

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