Chapter Three: Devious Cats

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This will probably be the last update till about mid next week, due to no wifi. Please let me know what you think of it and don't forget to vote ;-) x

Chapter Three: Devious Cats

The Host Club members were busy today, but when it had all ended they sat in the 3rd Music Room to discuss future themes. 

"Will they be ok?" Asked Hikaru and Kaoru. 

"Who?" Haruhi questioned. 

"The cats!" They said disappointed that she would have forgotten about them already. 

"There not just cats their Neko's, you know, half human. So they should be able to look after themselves for a few hours." Said Kyoya who really wanted to get off of the subject. 

"Ok, if you say so." The twins sighed. 

They really wanted to get back to Kyoya's house, their kitty must be missing them. Tamaki, however, was a little scared to get home, knowing that the bloody perv would be there with her compact camera trying to snap photos of half naked guys. He wondered how big her collection is, what is she shares the pictures with Haruhi? 

"Haruhi, come to daddy, don't let that horrid little kitty poison your innocent mind with those indecent photos!" He sang dramatically while swinging her around in his arms.

~Back at Kyoya's home~

AJ decide it was time to discipline Adriana and Samii but they had a different idea. They finally managed to get away from AJ and hide away in a cupboard just big enough for the two of them. 

"I need a plan." Said Adriana who rarely doesn't have a plan. 

"What for?" Asked Samii who was thinking of her own as well. 

"Mittens!" She said as her eye twitched in annoyance that he fooled her into admitting it. 

"Ahh, well why not just keep the name, it suits you." Purred Samii. 

Within seconds Adriana kicked Samii out of the cupboard and shouted of AJ.  

"No! Let me back in, please?!" She begged but didn't win. 

"Ahh there you are, now, I'm gonna teach you how not to scare the males away. First things first, camera." AJ demanded as she dragged Samii across the carpets back into the living room, giving Samii multiple carpet burns. 

While there, Samii had an hour long lecture about how she shouldn't scare Tamaki or he will give her away. As soon as that was mentioned Samii got all depressed, remembering what had happened last time. 

"There, now that wasn't so bad now was it." Said AJ as she finished. 

Samii slowly shook her head and made her way to the room Tamaki called his own, which wasn't really he just spent lots of time there so decided he should have his own room, there he went into the closet and got one of her spare cameras. 

"Hehe, I'm glad I got extras." She chirped as she hung the compact camera around her neck with the detachable string.

Adriana finally came up up with a devious plan to get revenge on that smug Kyoya. She ran up the large stair case on all fours, like a gorilla you could say. She scurried to the walk in wardrobe connected to her obnoxious masters bedroom and began to get to work. Once she had set it up, it was time to play the waiting game.

The front doors flung open as the six of the seven teens flooded through. Haruhi had to head straight home to her father so left Tamaki instructions on how to approach their Neko without getting sexually harassed. 

Mori and Honey were literally pounced upon by a happy glittery ball of fur. They had guessed that Maxii was in her cat form and had got up to creative mischief. They walked into the room and saw that they were right. The room had glitter everywhere, it looked as if a glitter bomb had exploded. Kyoya was stood behind them but didn't say a thing, he eventually just walked out of the room and headed to were Hikaru and Kaoru had cleared off to. They had followed their noses and found themselves in the kitchen. AJ was there cutting up a cake which looked home made. All of the kitchen counters were covered in flour and butter.  

"Cake!" The twins sang in harmony. 

As soon as they had said cake Honey popped up out of nowhere and took three pieces back to the living room for himself, Mori and his dear kitty Maxii. 

As soon as Kyoya saw the mess he walked straight back out. He was suddenly knocked to the ground as he got jumped on by the hormonal pervert.  

"Aww, dammit, where's the blondie?" She questioned. 

"Probably hiding from you." He said bluntly pushing her off of him. 

'I need to get changed', he thought as he headed up the stairs to his room. There was one thing he thought was odd, he had wondered where Mittens was. He walked into his walking wardrobe and was abruptly yanked up into the air by a huge net. 

"What the hell?" He let out. 

"Haha, I gotcha this time, now, I'll let you out if you agree to change my name." She said trying to negotiate with him. 

What ever bit of patience he had left in him, went. He filled with bitter anger. 

"I want you out! Take your little friends with you, all you guys have caused is trouble." He screamed at her. 

Sure she was shocked but she was expecting it. The other three Neko's where stood directly behind him. Tears began to well up in there eyes. 

"So, you don't want us?" Maxii sobbed. 

"Your just like the others!" Samii shouted as she ran.  

She needed to get out of there, it's been to many times now they have been kicked out. They know they are again but that's the responsibility of having a pet. AJ comforted Maxii who was crying into her shoulder. 

"You heard the guy, lets not stay were we're not wanted." Said Adriana showing no sign of emotion. 

It was natural for her not to show anyone what she was feeling, it was like a protection mechanism within her to stop herself getting upset. Adriana guided the two remaining girls out of the room, cutting the rope which held Kyoya in the air just as she left. He hit the floor with a loud thud. Hikaru, Kaoru, Honey, Mori and Tamaki watched them walk out of the doors with there heads down, tears steaming, they watched them walk out of their life.

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