F/N, explain.

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After getting back to Sollux's and comforting him for a bit you decided to tell him what happened at Eridan's. "You beat him up? Wow F/N I don't know what to say. I didn't really think of you as the violent type." He said. "Well I'm usually not but when it comes to my friends or in this case boyfriend I become a monster." You replied. Smiling weakly at you he said "You wouldn't mind coming with me tomorrow to get more bees would you?" "Of course not. I would love too and perhaps I can help name a few?" You questioned. "Yeah!" He exclaimed happily. "Um and F/N c-could you maybe um, stay the night tonight? It's just really lonely here without my bees and..." He trailed off. "Sure think Solly!" You said.

Time skip
After talking for a bit you decided that you were both getting tired and wanted to get some sleep. "Goodnight Solly. Thanks for letting me have your bedroom. Are you positive you don't want it though?" You asked. "Nah I'm alright with the couch. Goodnight F/N. Sweet dreams." Giggling at the end of his sentence you curled up and after a little bit, finally fell asleep.

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