The dead soul

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Hi my name is soul, my parents called me soul because they used to kill people and take there soul so instead of eating souls they had to watch over me, well of course and they missed eating souls, so to remind them they named me soul stupid right. I'm a forteen year old girl who is very rich and it's funny how my parents didn't get caught eating souls. But until I start eating souls I have to be fifteen witch is in two more months. I used to go to random people's houses and do this game where you knock on someone's door and leave but since I'm forteen I need to act like one. But in two more months that's to long for me. Well I'm a stubborn kid I always get what I want but if I don't I would yell but my parents are dirty rich so they don't care. In all my journals I right about how I die and turn into a cat it's weird because I had a dream where I actually....never mind I will keep the good parts for later.

I went outside today and saw a person walking her cats and dogs and it looked stupid. I went up to the stupid person and she was pointing at something and I turned around to see who she was pointing at but I saw nothing and turned back and the lady was gone I was really confused, did she disappear or something or did she just run really fast with two cats and three dogs on a leash. I ignored the fact that she disappeared or ran away but everyday I will always think well she looked old so how would she run so fast and she was pointing at something was it for me to look away or something. I'm so confused I placed my head on my desk and fell asleep somehow well I guess I was worrying about the old lady and I didn't even know I wasn't sleeping.

The next morning I had to get up for school I wasn't excited to go to school well of course because I haven't slept for a long time. I crawled out of my bed and opened my curtains and the light shined really bright in my face and I couldn't even see anything because I was in my dark room for days and I haven't seen light for a long while.

I headed off to school with all my supplies and I hope nobody bullies me today well I wish I was fifteen so when they bully me I can eat there soul and kill them but I can't tell my secret to anyone and it's okay because I have no friends. The bell rang for class and I looked at my paper with all my classes and I had math and that's my favourite thing to do but I knew that the bullies would turn out to be my partner for math and they would fall off there chair and blame it on me but I had a great idea and I thought of using my iPhone six to video tap the bullies and it be funny to the whole class because if she fell by herself and blamed it on me I can totally show the video. I entered the class and for some reason no one was there, was I late, well no because I heard the bell ring, I wonder
If it was a fire drill or something but when I turned around to see if there was people there and the door was closed but I don't remember closing it but oh well. When I turned my head to walk to my desk I saw the whole class there and the teacher got mad at me for not sitting down and I was so confused because they weren't there a minute ago. Like oh my god am I dreaming or maybe it's because I didn't sleep well.

In the middle of teaching I asked my teacher if I could call home but of course she asks why so I would have to find a reason so I said : well I'm having these weird pictures in my head and I feel like I'm going to fall but it's like I'm dreaming and I didn't get good sleep so please : my teacher thought about it for like five minutes and she agreed to me.
I deffently called home and I really need to ask my mom if these pictures in my head were part of the soul thing well I'm not sure but when I called my mom I forgot to ask her to pick me up so I tried calling her again but she didn't pick up the phone so I guess I'm walking home tonight.

I started walking and I ended up at a road I looked left and right and there was no car and when I was walking I was in the middle of the road when I saw a person waving and I'm not turning my head again because it might disappear again but then the person pointed then I had to turn my head. When I turned my head there was a car coming and it hit me but after that I was laying on the road with a car over my head and when I crawled away from the car and after that car I would totally think I would die but I'm not dead or am I dead and dreamin who knows but when I stood up I felt so short and I looked at my hands and they were all furry and I had dark hands but they didn't look like hands they looked like paws. I ran home and I went through the cat door because I had not hands and I wasn't tall enough to open the door so the only choice I had was going through the cat door. When I entered my home I look at the mirror that was I front of the front door and when I saw myself I screamed like a little girl and I looked like a cat and if mom saw me like this she would ask so much questions so I don't know what I'm going to do now!!!

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