Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"MOMMY! MOM PLEASE GET UP" I yelled while failed against the restraints keeping me attached to the wall covered with irregularly shaped brick, the jagged ends tearing at my clothes and exposing my flesh which it soon started to slice as well. My small shrill voice reached every area of the room, probably the house, but I knew it was no choice she couldn't hear me but it didn't stop me.

I stared at my mother no more than ten feet away from me laying on the cold cement ground, her once dancing and lively gray eyes now a cold steel staring back at me piercing my soul. Her body misshappened and mangled, blood streaming from every direction of her body.

My heart beat raced, causing blood to flow rapidly out of the gash on my cheek mixing with my tears and the sweat that plastered my hair to my face, at the sight of that spiteful man slinking out of the shadows of the room grinning brightly at our pain and holding tightly a knife that glistened off of the single fluorescent light bulb that dangled off the ceiling, I knew what would happen next.

Adreadalin coursed through my veins and with a snap the restraints gave in sending me flying to the protection of my mother shielding her body with my own. I looked up to find that unpleasant smile looking down at me as I searched his eyes looking for a hint of humanity, I still think to myself maybe if he wasn't so drunk that day I would have seen it. The knife began to rise closing my eyes held up my hand the other desperately clinging on to my mother. My voice coming out as a screech as I yelled" DADDY STOP PLEASE!"

I was snapped back to reality with the realization of a muffled screaming only to figure it was me. I shook my head violently dizzying myself to get rid of the memory while my sweaty palms grasped the slick pole of the streetlight to help me steady myself. I sat there until my breathing resumed its normal pace.

After a moment or two of this I grabbed my belongings and pulled the hoodie over my face concealing me as I walked down the darkened streets of the vaguely familiar neighborhood. The lampposts around me flickered uncontrollably as if threatening to go out at any given time. The wind whipping around me the cold hitting my face like daggers.

The rain was pouring now soaking me through my thin jacket and staining my face as I looked up at the battered two story house, consisting of more boarded windows then I remember, of the man that took away the one thing I had in my life. My mother.

Many people would think that I'm crazy for what I'm about to do, but this is what I call revenge. I was simply playing his game. I made sure nobody was watching as I sneaked through the bushes towards the back of the house branches scraping and scratching at my leg, taking the crowbar that was held tightly in my hand I chose the simple technique of smashing it through the glass door. Reaching my hand through the broken glass I unlocked the door and easily was able to let myself in.

I could hear him hurrying down the stairs as I hid myself in the darkened corner of his kitchen. I saw him round the corner and I could tell by the shocked expression embarked on his face he saw me as well. I pulled out a small box that I had been carrying slowly opening it to reveal a pistol wrapped in a delicate shade of red velvet and gently lifted it my fingers stroking the detail that had been expertly engraved into it, all the while my eyes never leaving his. He stiffened holding his head high as the realization of the events that were about to occur dawned in him. My heart quickening with excitement of the knowledge I held that I was going to be the last thing he ever saw.

It was when I knew he's focus was fully on me was it then I knew I would be able to fully enjoy the satisfaction that came with pulling the trigger and taking this man's life.



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