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Deep and blue, his eyes were fixed on you from across the dinner table, his chocolate brown hair swept messily across his head. Thoughts raced through your mind, you were nothing less than interested in him, the illegitimate son of the King had never failed to interest you, the air of mystery that surrounded him had always compelled you. Tedious as it was, you had to try your best to keep your concentration on the conversations that echoed around the towering hall, the stone walls towered above the intricately set table, belittling everything that came near them. Ambient light from candles provided a calm, almost romantic atmosphere in the room, and although the dinner was casual, the soft light made it seem like a grand banquet that would be held for the Monarchs from a distant land.

Queen Mary sat with her husband, fair skinned and cheerful, intently listening to every word that left her rose coloured lips. Pearls were strung loosely around her neck, effortlessly showing her status, emphasising her wealth. Of noble birth, you were no stranger to luxury, but nothing of the sort that Mary had received throughout her lifetime. Your soft fingers brushed your hair behind your ears, to reveal the diamond studs that completed your outfit, complimenting the red silk dress that you wore. Bash was looking at you again, with evident fascination in his expression, you looked towards the tiled floor, trying to hide the delight you found in gaining his attention. Returning your focus to your meal, it became increasingly hard to eat anything of substance. Butterflies fluttered ceaselessly in your stomach, so much that you eventually felt that you couldn't remain at the table any longer. You turned your head to King Henry, who sat at the opposite end of the table to his wife.
"Excuse me, your Grace, could I please be excused, only I feel as if I'm coming down with something." You said, as politely as you could.
"Of course, could Nostradamus help?" He replied, slight annoyance in his voice.
"No, I think it may just be a cold."
"Retire to your room, if you must." He grunted.
"Thankyou, your Grace." You curtsied as you left the room, the heels of your shoes making considerable noise as you walked out of the door. Once you had left the hall, you leaned slightly against the wall of the corridor, placing a hand on the stiff corset of your gown, feeling a difficulty breathing. All you needed was to be relieved from the pain of your restrictive garments, your maid could have helped you with it, but something prevented you from returning from your room, a wide smile
spread rapidly across your face, as the image of Bash flashed into your mind.
Heavy footsteps suddenly became audible, appearing to come closer to you every second, however you didn't care who it was, it was no business of theirs what you were doing, you couldn't bring yourself to move quickly enough to escape. The mahogany doors opened, and a figure walked into the light, his blue eyes glistening in the light of the flame torches. It was Sebastian. His face brought you nothing but joy, as his eyes made contact with yours, he came towards you.
"Are you okay?" He asked, in his deep, smooth voice.
"Yes, Thankyou." You replied, struggling to find the breath to talk to him.
"You don't seem it, you're awfully pale." He remarked, you instinctively took his comment to heart, forgetting the context in which he said it. "Not to offend you, I'm merely worried."
"It's fine, in all honesty my corset is too tight, I just didn't want to tell the King." You laughed, shaking your head when you heard yourself speak.
"I'd like to say I can relate, but I can't." Bash joked, trying to cheer you up ever so slightly. In truth, all it took was his smile to cheer you up, the feelings that you had been trying to suppress were doing nothing but going against what you had been trying to accomplish. You laughed at his sarcasm, trying to see past your pain. His eyes met yours once again, and his hand touched yours, sending a shock of electricity through your body.
"You look beautiful tonight, Y/N" he softly said.
"Thankyou, you're too kind." You smiled. Moving closer to you, he now took your hand in his, intertwining your fingers. Turning to look at your hands, the silence between you had to be broken. Your whole body was now against the cold, stone wall, as he places his other hand gently on your shoulder. You gazed longingly at his lips, and back into his azure eyes, the only trace of noise was the soft breathing from the pair of you. Slowly, causing you to shiver slightly, he lowered his hand, now resting it in the small of your back, the tension unbreakable. You lifted your head slightly, and eventually, he lowered his. Suddenly, your lips met, he kissed you, slowly and passionately, running his hands from your back to your neck, his fingers in your hair. His other hand remained holding yours, however he raised it, pressing you against the wall. His lips then moved swiftly from your lips to your neck, tickling you ever so slightly as he grazed your skin with his lips. Eventually, he looked at you, and regained some form of composure. You smiled at him, overjoyed at his actions, and he returned the smile , then kissed your hand.
"I must be getting back." He beamed, all you could do was sink to the ground, smiling ever so discreetly to yourself...

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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