Chapter 1

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***Hey guys! So i started this book awhile ago but stopped uploading. SORRY! But now i'm back! Not edited yet so bare with me and ENJOY! Also the picture above is what Blaze the main character would look like :) Don't know he name of the model but if anyone does please let me know! Thanks! XoXo***

 The soft summer breeze warms my ice cold body in the middle of the grave yard. My palms begin to sweat as the air dies and the sun starts to beat down heavily. My mother wipes off her brow next to me while the Priest across from me, closest to Chloe's casket, fans himself with the book holding God's words. Jackass. 

Behind him I see Alex and Kate holding onto each other sobbing into each other's shoulders. Their platinum blonde hair and their soft white pink skin make them look like sobbing angels except for their darkest of black dresses. Alex looks over at me with eyes asking, "Why Blaze? Why Chloe?" My breath caught and the sting of tears hit me. I shook and lowered my head hiding the tears falling down my cheeks. 

Why Chloe? Girlfriend for four years, since Freshman year, gone in a single night. How could this happen to us? To her parents, her best friends, her family, my family and especially me. 

I look down at the casket and watch it lower itself into the ground as people throw white lilies down on top of it. I looked around shocked, its over already? I thought it just started? A single tear of pain rolls down my cheek and I cant help but wish one last time to see Chloe again. To feel her in my arms and at that exact moment a soft sigh fills the air around me and I know it was Chloe. It chills down my spine making my entire body shiver with all fear, pleasure and confusion. 

I look up to see if anyone else hears this and see everyone slowly walking away, giving hugs and looking at me with both sympathy and caution. I look back at the hole that holds my beautiful Chloe and see dirt and no casket. Completely forgetting the soft sigh of dead Chloe I instantly start to panic. 

"NO! Wait I didn't get to leave her my flower!"  Instantly I felt like I had no time. I scanned the place looking for her, looking for any sign of her so she could receive my flower. Please Chloe don't be gone yet. 

"Blaze! Please honey calm down. You're scaring everyone. Let's go." It's my mother. My breath is coming in short breaks but the minute I look into her eyes I see the pain that I'm causing her. I've been acting like this,  impulsive, sad, moody since Chloe died and that was only a week ago. 

"I'm sorry" my voice cracks and I take my mother's hand and follow her to the car still holding the white lilies meant for Chloe to carry into the after life, if that is even true. 

I look back one last time knowing that I will have to leave Chloe here, in this graveyard forever. Until the day I die. All I see his her headstone and the men covering the hole in the ground where she lies. Slowly the sounds around me die into a silent hum and I hear a blood curdling scream echo throughout the graveyard. I fall back, causing to skin my elbows, as my heart races. I know that scream. Chloe. My heart races causing my chest to heave with pain. I'm frantic, i'm chaotic, i'm pained. 

"Do you hear her? Somebody help her!?" I'm running to Chloe's grave hoping to get her in time. Save her before her scream ends. Save the girl I love. 

I'm only a couple feet away before I'm tackled to the floor and my head bounces off a floor headstone of another lost soul, knocking me out of consciousness. Darkness takes me but Chloe's screams still echo in my dark mind never truly letting me rest.  


Its been two weeks since Chloe's funeral and I have barely slept. The first week I got a total of 12 hours of sleep then this week I have gotten 10 so far and its already Thursday morning. You'd think I would pass out drunk every night but the rum always gets me warmed up and ready to start another bottle but today with the lack of sleep and the horrible nightmares of Chloe screaming to death hits really hard. My lack of sleep is putting me in a state where my body and mind are numb and I seem to be dreaming with my eyes open. As if its on repeat Chloe's screams and cries for help continue to go and go. All this is hard for me to concentrate in class but I gave up on school, my friends and being the quarter back of Summerville Heights High football team. 

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