The Emerson Mansion.

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    14 Years Ago:

“Daddy? Why you have gun?” 3 Year old Peter asked. A shot rang through the hallway.

Screams erupted in the Emerson Mansion. “Ahhh!” 12 year old Sarah screamed, running from her dad. Two more gun shots were fired. She was gone.

16 year old Sam came racing from his room, rifle in hand. What he saw stopped him dead in his tracks. What he thought would have been a intruder was his dad. He stood frozen, wide eyed.

“Dad?” He whispered, hurt and betrayed as he overlooked the blood seeping from his siblings room.  A quick firing of the shot silenced him. 

Sam dropped dead on the floor, rifle clattering out of his hand. Footsteps came hurling up the wooden steps in a hurry. Susan Emerson screamed loudly, whimpering and sobbing tears of pain of what lay before her eyes. Three of her kids lay motionless, their blood splattering the hallways around them.

“Why? Why? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!” She screamed at her husband, falling to the floor and banging her head on it. She wept and wept and kept repeating the words why.

Jack Emerson paused only a short while before the click of the trigger sounded.

The weeping stopped at once and it was eerily silent. The slow footsteps of Jack echoed in the hall as he stepped over his wife’s dead body. He stepped with balance and ease. He knew the other 3 were probably hiding. He knew they must have figured out that he was to blame.

He carefully searched the whole house. He smiled a wicked smile as he spotted a tiny piece of lacy gown coming from behind the thick robed curtains. He walked slowly to it.

“Hello May.” He said to the 17 year old that was hiding behind the curtain. She gasped lightly.

He chuckled a devilish laugh and aimed at the curtain, firing three shots.

May Templeton, the Emerson’s adopted niece fell to the ground in agony. She thrashed and Jack knew he’d aimed for her thigh and arm instead of directly shooting her.

“I wanted you to suffer, know why?” Jack said to her, coming closer to May. “Because your worthless self destroyed my family, and look what has happened!” Jack screamed at her, kicking her roughly, causing blood to come spurting out of May’s mouth.

She whimpered and he dug his boot into her thigh harder. She let out a blood curdling scream.

“That is for taking Sam’s innocence,” He said. He stabbed her in the arm twice.

“That is for making my precious Sarah act like a bitch like you.” He hissed at her as he spit in her face. He tossed her over and slapped her across the face with his rifle.

“That is for telling my Susan about the affairs.” He said loudly. He stepped on her stomach and the breath left from her.

“And this is for becoming pregnant after you seduced me.” He said evilly. He shot her in the head, ending her torture. He smiled a cruel smile at the work he had done. Stepping off the dead body he searched for the two little ones.

Kathryn and Austin.

7 year old Kathryn cried silently as she watched her dad slaughter May. She looked over as Austin who put a finger to his lips to try and quiet her down. Austin was 8 years old and the neighbor that would constantly come over, due to the lack of room at his small house, he had 4 sisters and 3 brothers. They kept quiet and as the time went by they watched Jack as he screamed for them.

Finally, he left upstairs for the hundredth time. They were smart for children, they knew if they tried to escape right this instance the dad would only catch up to them, plus it’s not like they were anywhere near places, they lived in the country. They waited for 30 minutes and the dad came bounding downstairs.

“Kathy, sweetie, come to daddy, I won’t hurt you.” Her dad soothed. Kathy brightened at the idea but knew better, because she didn’t want to be alone with just him again, if he killed the rest of her family, she didn’t want to see what would happen to her. No sooner were there cop sirens and the dad sighed and sat himself in the chair.

“I’m sorry Kathy, I love you,” Were his last words as he shot himself in the head.

His body fell to the ground. Kathy sobbed as Austin held on to her comfortingly. The cops pounded the door open as Kathy and Austin went running into the cops arms and told them.

The cop ran back outside to his cop car to call another ambulance and when he came back the two kids had disappeared. No where in sight.

October 5, 1996 was the gruesome killing of the Emerson family, slaughtered by their own father.

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