Mysterious Phone Call ...

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As I watched Kylie walk toward her own house I silently treaded back to mine. The lights were all on and I heard singing coming from it. I rolled my eyes and slowly turned the knob. I suppressed a shudder and bit my tongue as I stepped through the threshold.

This is beyond creepy. I thought in my head. I started toward the living room where I heard the sounds.

“I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brothers can’t deny when a girl wal-" The TV paused as My family stopped singing along to the karoke machine.

“You guys are so embarrassing.” I stated, shaking my head in amusement. My mom laughed.

“Honey! Did you make new friends?” She said, grinning from ear to ear.

“Yeah, actually… I did.” I said, smiling to myself.

“Ooh, Tay has a friend?!” Tyler said mockingly. I threw a pillow from the couch at his head as he ducked. Tanya laughed and rolled her eyes.

“Anyways where were you?” She asked, settling down on the couch.

“At the Park, I uh, found some interesting facts about the house… MOM, DAD.” I said, emphasizing the scolding in they’re names.

Dad shifted on his left foot, uncomfortable and mom silently scratched her elbow and ran a hand through her hair.

“What facts?” Tori asked, as she skipped around in her new pink converse and tutu. She was a 7 year old tomboy that loved fairies and football, I loved her too much. ;)

“Mom, dad…Do you want to do the honor and share this vital information?” I said, with a tight-lipped smile. Dad gulped and shook his tousled hair.

“I think it is time for bed.” He said hoarsely.

“Yes, bed!” Mom said, clapping her hands, delighted for a subject change. Ty gave them a skeptical look.

“What’s going on dad?” He said, sighing.

“We’ll talk about it tomorrow.” He said, ending the conversation. Mom grabbed Toto’s hand and started leading her upstairs. Tanya rolled her eyes as she followed. She was in the whatever-I’m-a-bitchy-teen stage at the moment, I was desperately awaiting the day that she grew out of it already it was like your own hell in a body.

Tanya was 14 and had major attitude, while I was 16 and had problems adjusting to new surroundings. Tyler was 17 and has already got a scholarship for Cal Poly; he’s great at football, probably a major reason why Toto loves the sport so much. I walked upstairs as dad started turning the downstairs lights off.

“You turn off the lights in my room or the hallway I’m murdering you!” I yelled down to my dad. I heard him chuckle and I went toward my room. It was about 30 minutes later and I could tell everyone was asleep.

I heard the soft tap of footsteps outside my door and immediately freaked out, I hugged my pillow to my chest as the door opened. My mom stepped in quietly and I breathed a sigh of relief.

“Mom,” I breathed out quietly, dropping the tight hold of my pillow.

“Tay, I’m sorry we didn’t talk to you guys about this house, we knew you’d all hate it if we had told you, plus it was years ago honey.” She said soothingly. I shook my head.

“Mom it is creepy here, like today how the lights went out and you told me to go to the cellar an-“ She cut me off.

“The lights went out?” She asked. I gave her a -_- look.

“That’s what I said on the phone mom.” I stated irritated of my mom’s temporary amnesia. She gave me a confused look.

“The phone? What are you talking about?” She asked quizzically. I imitated her look.

“Mom… when I called you about the lights…” I said slowly, trying to jog her memory. She shook her head slowly, raising an eyebrow at me.

“Honey, you never called me, I left my phone here on accident.” She said apologetically. I started to panic, my breath hitching in my throat. I shivered.

 “You…You..didn’t tell me to go to…the cellar?” I whispered. She gave me a helpless look and once again, shook her head. I fell into her and hugged her.

 “Honey, what’s going on?” She asked.

“I called you today when the lights went out, and you answered and told me to go to the cellar!” I said to her, hoping that she’d all of a sudden remember.

“There’s no way anyone could’ve answered it was off and I left it on my bed, which is exactly where I found it when I got back.” She said matter-of-factly. My head started spinning.

“Did you dial wrong?” She asked. I jumped toward my phone and looked at the last call. It was to my mom. I showed her and it read clearly on the screen. 00:24 seconds of talking. She stared shocked at the screen.

“Did it sound like me?” She asked. I bit my lip and shook my head in disappointment.

“It was mainly static on the other line but I could still make out the girl’s voice.” I said quietly. She sighed and hugged me.

“It must have been a phone error honey,” She said calmy, kissing my forehead. I wanted to tell her about the attic but I felt like I shouldn’t so I kept quiet and let her hug me to sleep.

SORRY THIS IS SHORT!! I have this big headache and this is like the spare time i have lol(: but yeahh, thanks for reading ;D

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