The Monitor

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The monitor beeps

The signs are vital

Her lips are blue

She's holding on to life

But she can barely take a breath

Her mother is standing over her

Death gripping the hospital bed

A single tear escapes her

Followed by another

And another

Until that woman has soaked herself

And her child

In salty tears

In between gasps

You could make out

The hopeless whispers

"Why? How could you do this?"

The whispers became moans

That became shouts

That became screams

She was screaming at her baby

All she wanted was to have one more chance

As a mother

She felt like some how

This was all her fault

She in someway

Wasn't worthy of her daughter

And her terrible parenting

Pushed her little girl to do this

Sher felt like she killed her own baby

And guess what

Daddy feels the same way

Only he wasn't strong enough to

Face the child that he created

The life that he had given

Only for her to take it away

He should have know

When he saw the cuts

But he ignored them

Denial was the enemy

And he lost the war

He tried to hold on and be strong

But then it hit him

Like bricks hitting the pavement

He might not be a Daddy anymore

He choked on his own tears

Before they started spilling out

But his wife ran into the hallway

Drenched in tears of her own

And she roared in horror

The nurse

Ran into the panicked room

She looked at the machines

One beep

Two beeps

Three beeps


No more noise

No more girl

No more family

Everyone is broken.

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