The stuffed cat

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Hi I'm misty and I have a wonderful family and I have my favourite toy named Darkness. She is a black cat with blue button eyes and I love her so much. But everytime when I lock her in my dresser she always turns off to have a knife in her hand and papa and mama tell me to get rid of the doll but I don't want to listen because my sister that passed away she gave me this doll so no way I'm getting rid of it. But everytime I look at my doll it looks like it was smiling but then it had an evil face and I wonder if it's real and that's why I always talk to her until she responds but the past years I get silence. Even though my sister passed away I'm always happy because I have her toy in my hands and people make fun of me at school but I don't care at least I still have my toy but most of the time my teacher takes her away from me and most of the time a scream "hehe".

It was night and I shoved Darkness in my dresser and locked it this time because I usually never lock it but now that I know that someone takes her all the time. I closed my eyes and fifteen minutes later I heard something. I opened my eyes when I heard the sound again and it sounded like something was opening I looked at my dresser and it was open and I jumped out of my bed and put on my emerald green slippers. I started walking towards my parents bedroom but for some reason the room kept going back and back each step I took. I guess I will have to go down stairs to see if my brother is awake. I went down stairs and before I went on the floor I looked left and right to see if anything was there but I saw nothing. I started walking to my brothers room and I opened the door and he was wide awake and he was shaking and I was so confused because my brother said he never gets scared "pfffff lyer " I went close to his bed and heard him whispering something and I went closer he was saying " she's here she coming she's alive we are all going to die " when I sat on his bed he backed up and fell and he shouted " get away your part of the demons soul! " I looked at him and he stood up and sat back on his back down on his bed. I put my hand over his shoulder and he was scared and I wonder why I opened my mouth but my words ashed back in my head. I removed my hand from his shoulder and I hugged him so he wasn't shaking anymore and while I was hugging him I said " what happened that made you fall of your bed and what's coming and how am I part of the Demon " my brother looked at me and he was still frighted. He looked at me with his eyes full and tears and he hugged me back so I knew he was so scared but I don't know what, it doesn't make sense. He let go of me and he pointed at something that was behind me and I didn't dare to look back but it was probably nothing and when I turned around I saw Darkness at my brothers door and it was holding a knife like always and everytime I blinked it got closer and closer I turned around to see my brother hiding behind me with his blankets on him but I bet I was more scared then him but he actually said something and he said " it won't hurt you because you took good care of it but now mom and dad are probably dead because they wanted to get rid of it but I wanted to keep it because it made you happy but I don't know why it's after me and this night I got up to get water and then when I went in the fridge Darkness was on the counter and it had a axe : and I totally believed my brother because now that I see that Darkness is moving I had to believe him. I heard footsteps come from the stairs and it was mom and dad and me and my brother shouted " mama papa Darkness is going to kill us " and when our parents came through the door Darkness wasn't there and my mom and dad had a jerk on their faces well no duh they don't believe us because they didn't see it but I think they are nest on Darknesses list well if she even has one.

Mama and papa told me to go back in my room but I rejected them because I was scared if Darkness was waiting for me on the top of the stairs so I begged my parents if I could sleep with my brother and they agreed like " finally". My brother got off of his bed and put on his nightlight and shut his door but anyway if the door was closed or opened it will be still creepy. When my brother put on his nightlight he went on the other side of the bed and snuggled with me and he used to always tell me to get out because he is stubborn but now he is truly scared and he wants me to protect him but I'm not sure if I can do that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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