Yes he..

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“Yes he, Matt don’t start” I pleaded with him

“I didn’t say anything wrong I just repeated what you said” he said in a sincere tone, I have never told him about me and Justin. He has no idea that Justin and I knew each other when we were younger and I would like to keep it that way for now.

“I’m sorry, I’m just so, I’ve never seen anyone so poorly like that before” I sniffled

“Baby please don’t be upset I know it sounds stupid, I wish that I was there to hold you right now” I could just imagine his plump pink lips smiling at me.

I chuckled “I will try not to be”

“I love you Livs and don’t you ever forget that, don’t let all of this get to you, the last thing that you need is stress”

“I love you to” 

My Last ♫ (Sequel to 'I put my heart on mute')Where stories live. Discover now