In the year 2016, the civil unrest in England had become un-ignorable. Poverty and crime were at all time highs and unemployment at just below 75%. Many civilians formed their own 'vigilante' styled groups with the soul purpose of 'cleaning up the governments mess'. With a high public demand for every ones voice to be heard the government system went to that of proportional representation. Every party's opinions and propositions counted. This only making the government more unstable and indecisive.
With frequent riots and public ethnic cleansing, England was on the brink of self destruction. Until a lifeline was thrown.....
A mysterious, rich and flamboyant man know as Gatsby Gardiner promised to 'clean up the governments mess' in return for 'absolute power'.
By the end of 2017 England was bordered of from Ireland, Wales and Scotland and given the new title. title of The Gardiner Republic. Each district was separated into numbered provinces and bordered by military walls occupied by Reapers, President Gardiner's personal policing force.
In an act to maintain order and as a painful remainder of the countries rebellious behaviour an annual Quell is held where one family of every province is chosen at random and in turn must select a single member to be handed to the Reapers. All but one are executed with the survivor being forced into conscription.
Follow the journey of 16 year old conscriptee Avery Mason as he tries to bring forth the seemingly impossible downfall of President Gardiner and to bring the Quell's reign of terror to a halt.
Can one man free the people of a slowly dying civilisation?!