Snow Angel

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The bombs are everywhere. I can't look anywhere without seeing flames. Sure, it's all my fault. My fault because I'm different. And when you're different, everyone expects great things from you. But this was never what I wanted.

"Iris, listen to me," Amary says, as her hands shove both my shoulders against the wall. It's a jarring snap to reality."You want this. You need this. And you're the only one who can break us out of here!"

"Amary, follow me," I plead, attempting to break free from her grasp. A knife races up to my neck; I jerk my head back against the stone, forcing tears to well up in my eyes.

"Only if you promise not to give up."

Looking her in the eyes; deep into those cold, blue eyes, I nod. "I promise." She lets me go. I stumble away from her in the darkness of the Shack and lose her beyond reach of the small candles.

"Now, what did you want to show me?" Hesitantly, I lead Amary outside, under the wavering light of the Midnight Sun, ever shining.


"Maya, here. Get under this blanket with me. We'll generate more body heat together." Maya climbs into the sleeping bag with me, but in just the short time it takes her to get from her bed to mine she starts shivering. It's getting even colder.

Shifting around, I shut the blinds. It makes me shiver just to look at the snow. "Aubyn, I'm too cold," complains Maya.

Giving her a hug, I tell her, "I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do. This is as warm as we'll get." I'm praying that's not so, but it seems that it is. The sun looks farther and farther away every day, and rises and sets less frequently.

I can feel Maya's cold sweat in the sleeping bag, and I wipe it away from her face. She looks up at me before burying her face in the sleeping bag and sobbing. I pull the fabric away from her face and wipe the tears away. "Don't cry. It's not going to last much longer." And by that, I meant we'll probably be dead soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2011 ⏰

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