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Hi, my name is Olive most people call me Liv or Oli. Okay, most people are my parents and my best friend Michael. I'm an only child and always have been, but I guess Michael sort of fills that void of not having a sibling. We have been best friends since we were about six years old. Enough of Michael's and I's friendship, I have been talking to this boy named Luke. Yet he isn't just ANY boy he's Luke Hemmings the most popular boy in my school. Apart from Michael he is one of the most popular boys in school. Michael just belongs to a different click and so does Luke. I have had the biggest crush on Luke since year nine. We are in year eleven now and we have been talking for four months exact. Luke confuses me at times I feel like he really likes me and other times he just kind of treats me if I were just his friend. I have been having mixed signals ever since we started talking. I still remember the day we first started talking...


Luke sat right in front of me. WHAT?! WHAT is he doing here at the library during lunch?


"Hi" oh gosh he is smiling at me

"How can I help you?"

"you can help me by telling me your name, love..."


And that is how we started to talk. He never calls me by my name he only calls me love, but I love the way he drags out the word 'love' each time he calls me that.

I normally don't go up to him in the mornings, we normally meet up after school to hangout at his house, go to our favorite secret coffee shop or just drive around in his car. We always talk about anything and everything. We always laugh at each other's jokes all the time. I have actually never seen his real smile until the day he told me that really likes hanging out and to talking me. Since that day I always see his real smile that is so beautiful, but he never shows it at school. I don't know why I keep thinking that he likes me when I am ME and he is HE, I am Olive the girl with blonde hair, blue eyes, a few small birthmarks on my face, with long legs. According to Michael all the guys at our high school find me hot, yet I have never been asked out for that very reason I find myself to be average, because once in awhile I do get friend request on instagram from the boys at our school or from other schools and they all like my selfies, which I never really post but when I do, they get more likes than my other pictures that I post. So I guess I am average? So he is HE and I am Me. He's beautiful all around and I am just average. He has girls wrapped around his finger and he doesn't even know it. Even the most beautiful girls at our school have an eye for him. I will never be the lucky one to be his. I shake that thought off and walk in the direction where Luke is.

"Hey Luke!" I gave him a hug and he returned it.

"Hey Love"

I was telling him about how Catfish and The Bottlemen are having a new show this weekend. And how my dad surprised me with the tickets this morning.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go with me. You know, since you like them as well and I don't know anyone else who likes them or who would like to go with me, so-"

He cuts me off and says "Hey, you're really sweet and stuff, but you're just not my type."

I nodded my head because he just answered my question that I have been asking myself this whole time that we've been friends, I am not his type. I definitely will never be his. Why didn't I just acted like he wasn't my type either, that I was just being nice by offering him to tag along. But no, instead I just nodded my head and walked away. Walked away like fool with a broken heart. I'm not sure if I really had a broken heart but it sure hurt a lot.

Now I am telling Mikey about everything that just happened in the past eight minutes. I can't believe I am actually crying. I am just happy that no one can see me crying since Mikey is hugging me so tighly and my face is being covered by his chest. "You deserve much better babe, so much better." He says as keeps running his hand up and down my back to calm me down. I don't remember much after that just that Mikey walked me out of school and put me in his car. One minute we drove off to the beach. And the next minute I woke up in my room being cradle by a very sleepy Mikey. Everything was a blur but thing that still made since was ache in my heart.

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