Preference #2: how you met (2/2)

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You finally had a day fully to yourself. You decided to get some Starbucks and then go to the music shop to look at some pianos.

You wore blue skinny jeans, a solid white shirt, and a brown leather jacket over. You straightened your hair and put minimal make up on before heading out the door.

You grabbed a cotton candy frappe from Starbucks and left to the music shop.You walked in after finishing your frappe and throwing it into the mini trash can at the front.

You eyed the pianos and sat in front of one, your fingers gliding around the keys before you actually started to play. You just went along with whatever came to mind, which was one thing you loved about music, every note expressing your feelings.

You finally finished after about a minute or two. You sighed and smiled at the piano.

*DING* a loud.... "A sharp" you thought. The loud a sharp was hit on another piano behind you and you jerked before turning around to see a boy your age smiling cheekily at you.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I didn't know how to approach you and your amazing playing other than this way," He started, "My name is Louis, and I'm guessing a pretty girl like you has a pretty name as well?"

You blushed before speaking, "(y/n," you said.

"Brilliant, listen uhm this is kinda awkward but would you like to go out for coffee sometime?" He asked.

You smiled softly, "sure, i'd love that,"

"Great!"Louis smiled before turning around and writing on a piece of paper. He turned back around handing you the paper which had his number on it while handing you a pen from his pocket and a blank, ripped piece of paper.

You wrote down your number and handed it to him, along with his blue inked pen.

He smiled.

"You play piano?" You asked him

"Eh, a little," he replied.

"Well, let's see what you got," you smirk sitting around to look at him.

He got up and grabbed a Taylor swift music book and began sight reading lines from "we are never ever getting back together".

You chuckled as he began singing terribly,and the next 20 minutes consisted of you two playing lines from the book.

When you left you were walking to your car when your phone vibrated.

FROM- *unknown*

Heyy it's Louis :) Thursday at 4.. Meet me for some coffee at the Starbucks near the shop. See you then love ;)

You smiled before replying:

Heh, okeh. I'll see you then Louis :)


First day if therapy, great. You got ready not even bothering with your appearance. It's not like you wanted to impress anyone. This was THERAPY. You just brushed out your hair into a ponytail, brushed your teeth, and threw on a t-shirt along with sweatpants and sneakers.

You're just a mess. You're parents died last month in a car crash you survived, you had to move in with your aunt and uncle, and to top it off, you had to switch schools and attend your first day in about a week. You drove your uncles truck to the session and went inside for your appointment.

You sat in the sort of roomy space on the couch across from a replica of that couch.

Soon, a woman wearing heels and glasses looking very "work-typie"and serious about her job walked in and sat on the beige couch infront of you.

She started to ask you questions about your life and information about you when you finally realized you felt you weren't special. You didn't matter. Why were you even here? It hit you like a bus and you excused yourself to the restroom.

You cried and cried. Cried until you felt as if you could fill an ocean,and about six or seven minutes you felt the strength to go back to the session. You walked out with a tissue near your eyes looking down at the floor when you bumped into something and fell on the floor.

You rubbed your head and heard someone say, "oh I'm sooo sorry I didn't see you there," you looked up to see a blonde boy with puffy red eyes, indicating that he had been crying.

You brushed down your shirt, "it's ok," you whispered.

"Sorry, uhm, I'm Niall." He said.

"(Y/n)," you replied.

He looked at you, and you looked at him. Scanning each others features, puffy eyes along with messed up hair and clothes.

After about thirty seconds that seemed like eternity, Niall just hugged you.

"Whatever's going on, I'm so sorry," He said.

"You too," You said into the hug. In about ten seconds time, you both pulled out of the hug and went back to the therapy session. After that day you and Niall became closer from therapy, and began to know each other like you had memorized the alphabet when you were six.



Okay please read my fanfic i'll love you 5ever.

Sorry I haven't been updating lately! I've had cousins over for the past two weeks and they just left today!:)

Oh and sorry for grammar mistakes! I've been typing on my phone .-.

Love you all!:)

~stay amazing~gratzelly✨

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