14 The Bonds

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POV Emma

"More to your right," Jack guided me while we were flying towards the location where Anna would be. Peter was carrying Elsa, we tried not to hurry too much so nothing bad would happen like crashing but we can't deny the fact that we really are in a hurry.

"Peter, there's a train coming," I told to Peter and we flew a bit up.

We were following old train tracks towards the hideout of the nightmares. It turned out that there is an old train warehouse near the hideout. There isn't that much train traffic so it's safer to follow the tracks. Safer than dodging houses and lamp posts at least.

"You should let me handle this," Jack spoke to me after telling me where to land.

"Brother, you nearly got your smart ass exploded in that truck so, I don't think that you can handle it," I huffed.

"Hah, really funny from coming from someone who--," Jack said sarcastically and then gasped. "I'm sorry Emma I didn't mean to say that," Jack whispered and took my hand.

"Well it's not your fault that the plane wreck happened," I shrugged. I heard Elsa's steps approaching us. She had landed with Peter.

"No it's not. Pitch and Weaselton were behind that accident to murder my parents. Unfortunately they took your family too," Elsa spoke and sounded mad. Mad of how they had ruined our lives.

"Well Detective Basil will catch Weaselton soon, they're on their way already. That bastard is easy to catch," Peter laughed.

"Which way now?" I asked.

"I still would rather see you waiting," Jack murmured.

"I'm not a little girl Jack. I always knew that you were getting into trouble because of me. I know you too well and... besides, you won't let me or Elsa get hurt," I laughed.

"Speaking of which--," he begun but then Elsa groaned.

"Jack! I'm not going to stay behind," Elsa hissed and I chuckled.

"Just get on with it," Peter sighed.

We began walking towards the location where our help is needed. Peter held my hand tightly but gently. I am quite powerless when I'm outside in the wide open world but when I'm inside, that's when I show what I'm made of.

It's quite easy actually, to hear where your opponents are. Their sound of breathing, steps and voice is always unique. Just few movements will help me to figure out the shape of the room and I can fully function there.

"We will take care of the guys downstairs. You and Elsa go and help out Anna in upstairs," I said strictly.

"Stay safe," Jack whispered while passing us at the door. I heard him and Elsa disappearing into the building.

"No matter what, stay close to me," Peter said softly. I felt his arms going around my waist and then his breath going over my skin. Then he planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Geez, not you too," I mumbled but I liked the way he was holding me.

"You know, I would die if something happens for you and our baby," Peter pressed his forehead against mine.

"Ssh! Any louder and Jack hears you and kills you," I chuckled and brushed his cheek with my hand. It felt warm.

"Aww, someone is blushing," I teased him.

"And I thought a blind girlfriend would be easy," Peter whined.

A floor board creaked and I lift my head up.

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