10. Bugs Stilinski Protection Watch.

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"Let him sleep it off." Brunski's voice was slowly drawn out. Slowly fading as Bugs fell deeper into sleep. His eyes were shutting tightly, like heavy bags as the door shut behind him.

"Bugs! Hey dude! Bugs! Wake up!" Rhys voice once again cut the deep slumber short, tugging onto the teenage boy tightly.

Bugs groaned, feeling the throbbing wound on his leg where the orderlies had stabbed him with the needle. He moaned, slowing sitting back up and rubbing at his eyes. "Why am I in here? I thought they would send me to solitary?"

Rhys shrugged his shoulders, blue eyes staring at the small window they had. It was the only difference in the room, everything else was just white walls. Everything was white, Bug noted as his eyes traveled once more and he felt how unnatural it was.

Rhys spoke up, "I don't know, they just shoved you in here with me. Didn't say much other then you needed to sleep off the darkness."

"What?" Bugs head shot up, green eyes blinking rapidly. He remembered what his roommate had said earlier and now this? What the hell did it mean?

"What?" Rhys shot back like he had no clue why the Stilinski was staring at him oddly.

"You know what... what did you mean?" Bugs questioned.

Rhys stared at him, his fingers curling and uncurling as the grasped at the end of his mattress. It took Bugs a moment to realize they both were doing the exact same thing.

Rhys suddenly broke out into laughter, one that sounded so eerily similar Bugs winced. "Oh come on Bugs you know what I mean..."

Bugs shook his head, fear in his gaze. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"Me?" Rhys laughed, his green widening. "What's wrong with me? Don't be throwing accusations like that around when you haven't looked in the mirror."

"I don't know what you're talking about..." the room growing far too cold for Bugs liking. He felt his throat swelling shut as Rhys got off the bed and neared him. This wasn't happening... it couldn't be happening. He was suppose to be safe in Eichen, him and Stiles.

Rhys jumped, launching himself straight at the teenager who attempted to scream but it was gargled soon after. "Come on Bugs! Fight back! Show me! The power hasn't gone away! It won't ever!"

Bugs was growing weaker by the minute, his attempt to escape long gone as his vision blurred.

"BUGS! BUGS! BUGS!" Malia's voiced yelled, breaking him away from his subconscious. The werecoyote was pulling him away, pushing him back. "BUGS! STOP!"

His eyes sprung open, unshed tears making his vision blurry, quickly dropping the tightening hold his hands had once had. "What? What's happening?"

A strangled coughing made him jump, walking back until he smacked against the white walls to see just what he had been holding onto. It was Stiles, he had been a strangling his little brother.

"Where's Rhys?" He demanded, whipping his head back and forth. He was sure Rhys had been there, the imprint of his cold hands still tightly wrapped around his neck.

"Bugs..." Stiles mumbled after refusing the strength to breathe. "There is no Rhys."


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